Author Topic: Aids Puppy's ban  (Read 412 times)

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Offline AidsPuppy

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Aids Puppy's ban
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:51:16 PM »
1. Player's SteamID - STEAM_0:0:20889809

2. Players Nickname - Aids dog/ Aids puppy

3. Your in-game name - Snuggles The Otter

4. Server name - ZS

5. Description of the event - i was upset and asked for teeny to ban me

6. Reason for appeal - im hooked once more on ZS an would like to rejoin your zombie slaying maddness. it's been about a year now from when i left and i miss it, i can't lie.

7. Screenshots or demo- none

8. Link to sourceban page -

Offline Ἆxule

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 10:45:46 PM »
Sorry, but you're going to have to play on another server.
I highly doubt you'll get unbanned.

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 10:53:56 PM »
Sorry, but you're going to have to play on another server.
I highly doubt you'll get unbanned.

What's that suppose to mean?

If what he says is the truth, he asked Teeny to perma ban him and now he wants to come back.

Let's wait for Teeny's say on this.
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

Offline Deathie

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 11:03:08 PM »
I remember you.

After Jim banned you, you went into a pissy rage fit, then ran off to join GoG. Once they died out, you just went off and played some other games.

As for people who DON'T know him, or what he did,

- Was a Regular who played on ZS
- Started playing on another ZS (Galaxy of Gaming)
- Once he got admin on it, he began advertising it and bashing on RND.
- Got banned for 3 days by Jim (forgot why though) which led to him targeting Jim in most of his replies.
- He ended up asking Teeny for a perma in a "LOL SERVERS SUCK U SHUD JUST BAN ME" style
- The final straw was when he made a thread on the forums attacking RND in general.

Although he was kind of a dick, he didn't do anything like hack, DDoS, or anything else *serious*, at least, not that I know of.

All he really did was attack other players, and the community as a whole.

This was about 7-8 months ago. I personally feel that if he can make a proper apology, that his appeal should be considered.

// Also, if anyone feels that I missed something or that my reply has some inconsistencies, please point it out.

//// And if I remember correctly, he was permanently banned from the forums as well.

////// There was another thread that was binned in like 3 seconds flat, but I can't seem to find it. Heres the one where he felt like being a prick to Jim and just being an overall bad troll.,2733
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:14:16 PM by Snivy M.D. »

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Offline Ἆxule

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 11:10:29 PM »
What's that suppose to mean?

If what he says is the truth, he asked Teeny to perma ban him and now he wants to come back.

Let's wait for Teeny's say on this.

Yeah, totally my bad. Was reading this on my phone and skipped the discription. I just saw he was perma banned, assumed hacks.

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2011, 04:24:03 AM »
Yeah, totally my bad. Was reading this on my phone and skipped the discription. I just saw he was perma banned, assumed hacks.

So... let me get this straight...

You commented on the content of a post... without actually reading the content?  :icecream:
" I don't take square roots, I make them. Then I set them out to cool after I baked them for 40 minutes."
"It's Canadia, not Chlamydia."
"Hold on I just have to ddos myself"

"I'm like 12 in my head" screen when I do video?"

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 09:10:36 AM »
So... let me get this straight...

You commented on the content of a post... without actually reading the content?  :icecream:

You're in a bit of a pickle now Axule :P


I don't really know. If he assaulted the community I think he should only be able to come int the servers with the JBanned tag and shouldn't have any chance at being regular. A perma seems like too much, but still....I dunno.
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

Offline AidsPuppy

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2011, 09:15:59 AM »
The only reason i was pissed at jim was because it was a false ban and i wanted to fight my case, everyone seemed to be on my side so i ended up leaving and joining GoG, played for a while with them and got super admin. the server ran ok for a while but then the pot head owner stopped funding and helping the server and it died out, then kramer  (one of the old owners of GoG) and i brought up a new ZS with the old code. we named it Kramocity. not to soon after it started it, i thought we had way to many admins (he brought back the old ones from GoG) so i ask kramer if it was ok if i got rid of some, he said sure. so i got rid of a few but then every thing blew up in my face. they started complaining on the fourms and then kramer back stabbed me and ask if everyone wanted me to get replaced as an owner with a superadmin coder. they said yes, i left soon after. not even a month after that happened the server died and he came back asking me if i wanted to join his new community and i said "hell no" and left it at that. but thats pretty much the whole deal...... yah. and thats crazy that you remembered all that snivy. i'm just back because i really did have fun on the server no matter what i have said about it.

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2011, 09:45:18 AM »

Butchered English aside, I'd like to see Jims reply on this.

I personally feel that, although misguided, Aids is sincerely sorry, and that he deserves a second chance.

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2011, 04:55:11 PM »
I gave him a fair chance, he decided to lash out at me. It was not a false ban how can you not even acknowledge what happened then come back here and say none of it was your fault? This is my only reply because unless you do something amazing you don't have a chance in hell of being unbanned

(JBanned) .:RND`=- DJ myppl8: if i eva become supa admin id ban moo and make hima guest

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2011, 05:02:30 PM »
I gave him a fair chance, he decided to lash out at me. It was not a false ban how can you not even acknowledge what happened then come back here and say none of it was your fault? This is my only reply because unless you do something amazing you don't have a chance in hell of being unbanned

Oh. I misread that.

I thought he said becuase "I thought it was a false ban". ._.

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Offline AidsPuppy

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2011, 10:05:12 PM »
i know what i did wrong, but this has nothing really to do with jim. i was banned by teeny and asked for the ban.  so i would think it would be up to her. i was banned by jim for admin disrespect and that was a LONG time before i got perm'd by jim. so thats old news.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 01:57:08 PM by AidsPuppy »

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2011, 12:15:13 AM »
i know what i did wrong, but this has nothing really to do with jim. i was banned by teeny and asked for the ban.  so i would think it would be up to her. i was banned by jim for admin disrespect and that was a LONG time before i got perm'd by jim. so thats old news.

All the same, you disrespect one Admin you disrespect the rest of the admins, i think you should stick around the forums (unless you were banned from them too) and if you are sincerly sorry act good om the forums for a while, and make another Ban Appeal, but for now from what im hearing.

-1 on this Appeal


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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2011, 01:29:01 AM »
I played with Aids a couple days ago, and I do honestly think he's changed.

Initially, he didn't know who I was when I used to play with him. I just came off as some random player who seemed to have known a little too much about him on the forums.

Even when I told him who I used to be, he still seemed sincere in his apology.

From personal experience, I'm +1ing the appeal.
Yes, he acted like a complete asshat in the past, but that was over half a year ago.

I really do think he deserves a second chance. If he starts acting up, I'll personally make the report myself.

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Offline AidsPuppy

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Re: Aids Puppy's ban
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2011, 05:07:25 PM »
i really am sorry. i'll be dead honest. i was a big cocky asshole and was giving hate to people that should not have gotten it. i really would like teeny to see this. i PM'd her the link about 2 weeks ago but as you can see no response.