Spleef is a competitive sport within Minecraft and Garrysmod in which the goal is to be the last player standing. The name is a pun on the word grief as the game involves deleting blocks.
Typically, Spleef games take place in a stadium, or elevated surface which consists of a generally large platform of blocks, known as the Spleef block. The platform is usually surrounded by a building for people to spectate.
The goal is to destroy blocks on the platform near or under the opponent to cause them to fall, while avoiding suffering that fate yourself. Those who fall from the platform lose the round, and can fall into a pit, lava, or many other cruel fates designed by the stadium constructors. Creating blocks during the playing of Spleef is not usually allowed, except in variations The time Spleef matches take depends on the size of the stadium.
There will be 7 Arena rooms, 4 starting rooms each contain 4 people and out of those 4 will remain 1 winner that will be walking out. Then 2 winners of of the both room will fight and the other 2 fight as well.. Then remaining the last 2 will fight it out until there is the last standing player.
Gamemode download here:
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=109852Screenshots and videos here:
GSpleef Gamemode Gameplay