No matter the case, you don't piss off moo and you are to listen to everything moo says, even if he asked you to get naked.
And no matter the case, it has been said that the rules apply to everybody - VIPs, Admins, Reg, etc - and thus IF [and remember, I use the word IF to apply a healthy dose of impartiality] it is proven that he broke the rules*, then consequences of SOME kind should be carried out regardless.
Last time I saw, lately the response to people being an auditorial pain in the ass that I've seen given is to mute them - "Oh guy X is being an ass on the mic" "Mute him." - it even says so on the site, on the splash screen when connecting to rNd servers. IF it is proven that you were killed merely for being annoying on the mic, I'd expect others to chime in to either debunk or support my notion, but it //sounds// like it could be considered target RDMing.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I think the evidence is not there to make a judgement one way or another, and to substantiate this would need something more - demos, damage logs, etc.... I mean, how do you know that you were RDM'd, and that it isn't a case of Moo being a T and killing you within the confines of the game / server rules despite acting after your death in a way that might make some people suspicious?
This is what I mean with proof, damage logs, demos, etc. Proof is everything regardless of which side you are on - defending or accused - for the case being made. It doesn't have to be the most sophisticated, intricate things, so long as it easily demonstrates solid evidence, that is, doesn't draw questions over its validity.
[*Do I need to make it clear that I'm not making a judgement in favor of either V-man or Moo? Or at least, am not ///TRYING/// to.]
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