Restricted (Read Only) > Senior Members


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Well, just for the sake of argument, lets imagine a scenario where regular was applied automatically after a given time. Here is my interpretation of what would happen if such a rank was set at 20 or 24 hours:

-More people would become regular

-Due to this reports might go up, but with more people able to vote, it would probably balance out (after all, regulars cant really do much anyway)

-Less people would join forums (not sure how you feel about this.)

-I know it would increase the quality of the kind of people who did come here, as they would obviously be people who are interested in the community, not just the rank of regular.

-Less users registered on the forums with zero posts, since they don't need to register to be recognized for their dedication.

And the best one probably for you

-Less reading of cookie cutter regular applications which don't really help you get to know a player at all anyway.

The implementation of such a system just to see how it works might be the limiting factor here, since I have no idea what kind of work it would take, though I've seen it implemented elsewhere with much success. It all looks up from this point of view. How do you think this would compare to the current system?


guests can still register and put up reports, many do

i still think plenty of people will join

the problem with the kind people who try to join is the dipshits who troll their posts and run them out

registered users with 0 posts were cleaned up recently

i dont mind reading apps, it lets me know bout the player and who im actually gonna promote, also the users that post let me know if i can believe it

i think the current system is fine

(regular) users create applications, other users read over, put their +-1 and their opinion letting admins know if they have the chance to be promoted or not
(vip) it runs on a 2/3 vote and now vips vote actually counts, so chances for more vip, so the voting part is crucial because it shows everyones opinion

I am sort of curious to see what other members of rNd think about my suggestion, perhaps i can convince them, but by no means did I intend to hijack the thread, so I might make a separate thread suggesting this tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the typical rNd discussion.

"shit was better back then."

Mr. Franklin:
Moo does have a good point about the regular promotion system. But as always, there is another concern, inactive VIPs, and what do you do, when they want there VIP back?

@Sanders, I know of ALOT of people who play on RND a whole lot more than I do who have repeatedly proven that they do not deserve the privilege of regular.
The application system seemed stupid to me when I first joined but now I understand why it exists.
It separates those who actually want to be a part of the community from those who come in and troll for days at a time


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