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--- Quote from: Deacon on August 11, 2011, 01:05:31 PM ---@Sanders, I know of ALOT of people who play on RND a whole lot more than I do who have repeatedly proven that they do not deserve the privilege of regular.
The application system seemed stupid to me when I first joined but now I understand why it exists.
It separates those who actually want to be a part of the community from those who come in and troll for days at a time

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"The 'privilege' of regular. What the hell they going to do with it anyway? Vote no when asked to ban mingey player? The main sticking point I've always had on this was the adv_dupe. AFAIK random is the only server which requires you post a substantial introduction before even being allowed to vote on things in the server or save things you build in wire. What the fucks the point of build if you cant save or load something you have been working on.

The things I get back after asking this question are "because people have proven they cant be trusted with either thing." Right, because its not like those things are allowed for guests on 99% of servers. Why does only rNd have such a minging problem that they have to neuter build and remove game play democracy?

And the worst part? The worst part is it fosters a sense of elitism from higher ranked people. Nobody wants their precious rank to become ten times easier to obtain, so they defend the broken system. Abuse reports are still prevalent even though you have to jump through inumerable hoops to get the ranks that are 'abused', and people who deserve ranks have to do 10 times more to get them because a few people might find way to abuse the privileges. News fucking flash -- any privilege can be abused by anyone by just an impulse. And it happens all of the time. It is going to happen, and that's where administrators come in -- to make sure a player follows the rules.

If moo or someone like him comes in to respond to just one thing in the post like they always do, let this be it: Why does rnd have such a problem with people following the rules that we have to go to such lengths to ensure that they can be trusted?

--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on August 11, 2011, 01:24:33 PM ---No matter the case, you don't piss off moo and you are to listen to everything moo says, even if he asked you to get naked.

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This post was right after mine. Another sticking point... It seems the closer you are to the core of rNd (like being in the inner circle of the locked channel of teamspeak), the more you can act with impunity. Is this true?



--- Quote from: Sabb on August 11, 2011, 05:17:18 PM ---...

--- End quote ---

you didn't know?


--- Quote from: Sanders on August 11, 2011, 01:22:43 PM ---"The 'privilege' of regular. What the hell they going to do with it anyway? Vote no when asked to ban mingey player? The main sticking point I've always had on this was the adv_dupe. AFAIK random is the only server which requires you post a substantial introduction before even being allowed to vote on things in the server or save things you build in wire. What the fucks the point of build if you cant save or load something you have been working on.

The things I get back after asking this question are "because people have proven they cant be trusted with either thing." Right, because its not like those things are allowed for guests on 99% of servers. Why does only rNd have such a minging problem that they have to neuter build and remove game play democracy?

And the worst part? The worst part is it fosters a sense of elitism from higher ranked people. Nobody wants their precious rank to become ten times easier to obtain, so they defend the broken system. Abuse reports are still prevalent even though you have to jump through inumerable hoops to get the ranks that are 'abused', and people who deserve ranks have to do 10 times more to get them because a few people might find way to abuse the privileges. News fucking flash -- any privilege can be abused by anyone by just an impulse. And it happens all of the time. It is going to happen, and that's where administrators come in -- to make sure a player follows the rules.

If moo or someone like him comes in to respond to just one thing in the post like they always do, let this be it: Why does rnd have such a problem with people following the rules that we have to go to such lengths to ensure that they can be trusted?

This post was right after mine. Another sticking point... It seems the closer you are to the core of rNd (like being in the inner circle of the locked channel of teamspeak), the more you can act with impunity. Is this true?

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Regulars: like guests, but with a bluer tag

VIP: Like regulars, but the admins all like them

Admin: Like VIPs, but they can act on their own without anyone questioning them

People in the JIJIJAPI! UH HUH! channel:

Everything they say and do is infallible.

We will not tolerate dissent.

You must submit to your masters or face swift execution.

They drink the blood of virgins to stay young. When they were born, there was a likeness of Dr. Robotnik in the clouds.

Also, Minic and Ruben are the sun and the moon.


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