1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players NicknameBluFox
3. Your in-game name=BTD= Pilot
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s)Shockah1 steam messaged me about two possible ghosters - "BluFox" and "Fish." I already had my suspicions about both, so I decided to start collecting hard evidence and watch both of them.
First off, here is proof that they have contact with each other. I'm not sure why there are 2 Fish's and why they are both offline, but it's still proof.
Round 1This is the first round I started collecting evidence. Fish was traitor, meaning he could tell BluFox who the other T's were.
The event log below shows Blufox killing Shockah for no reason - it also shows him blowing up C4 planted by Fish 20 seconds after it was planted, I'm not sure what happened with that though.
This damagelog from the same round shows that BluFox started the fight, and Shockah never fought back.
Round 2Here is the score list from the next round. BluFox is traitor this time.
In the event log, Fish is seen exploding BluFox's C4
twice. I believe Fish was purposely exploding the C4 to give BluFox more kills, as both times it is effective in killing innocents. Also, the second time around, Fish exploded the C4 TWO SECONDS after BluFox planted it. Fish did nothing to stop BluFox. Furthermore, Fish is seen killing another Traitor with little if no evidence. (Maybe even an RDM.)
Round 3This time, neither were Traitors. Instead, I was a Traitor along with two others not involved in the ghosting (to my knowledge.)
I end up being called out by Fish for no reason at all, at the beginning of the round. I'm not sure if this was Fish hacking (I really have no evidence to support this, so I'm not going to say anything more), or if it was just a lucky guess, but if anything it's RDM.
As you can see by all the pictures above, there is solid evidence of BluFox and Fish working together and ghosting. I didn't include all damage logs, but I have them in case they are needed.
6. Reason for banObvious ghosting, RDM on Fish's behalf.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)My screenshots are above. Again, I have damage logs from each of the rounds in case they are needed.
Thank you, and I hope action is taken against these two.