In Game name;
[AL] Reborn [CK]
Steam ID:
# 18 "[AL] Reborn [CK]" STEAM_0:1:15027448 2:04:07 216 0 active
Time online:
As Often as possible, however do play some other games ^^
Wire Build
16th of january
Games (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Team Fortress 2
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode One
Half Life 2: Episode Two
Counter-Strike: Source

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I want to be a regular so i can use some restricted tools in the wire build, such as the expression 2 and advanced dupe, so i can enjoy my time on the server. My time of minging with these tools have been long gone, nowadays i only use them to improve functionality of builds and help other players ^^
I started playing on the RND servers nearly 2 or one year ago (can't remember) But then the regular or vip status was called "Respected member" at that time i played very often, however got an overdose of garrysmod and stopped playing for a while. Now i'm back and i really want to start playing on a regular basis again, but i cant enjoy it as much without the restricted tools.
Contributions to RND:
To be perfectly honest theres not alot to write here. The obvious is of course assisting in votekicks / bans against mingies and then of course enhancing the playing experience for other players by showing them a few tips and tricks, im good with e2 and builds and i will gladly share my knowledge

Half of the post dissapeared at first, sorry for that.

Noticed after a while and got the full application in.