In game name: PotatoZard, to add me on steam it is Bobthebonker
Steam ID:#17 "PotatoZard" STEAM_0:0:27970026 22:49 160 0 active
Time online: I usually come on for 1 hour minimum daily or every other day
servers: I've been on the winter map and freespace rev and gm construct, I don't htink I can go on the other servers yet because I don't have the map packs.
Birthday: November 21st
Games on steam: Tf2, gmod, half life 2, portal, portal 2, terraria, alienswarm.
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Reason: I would like to be a Regular because this will be my main Gmod server I go on and I would like to be able to use all the wire tools and adv dup, participate in votekicks or bans. I rarely get angry and I joke around some times (in a good way). I played on RND 2 years ago with my good friend Peetah16 using the steam ID (niinjaboi) but then I stopped. I hope that was enough reasons to be promoted
Contributions to RND: I haven't made that much contributions as I could remember since I just came back from 2 years ago.