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...How can your only choice be a dualcore? ._.Anyway, I'd say get a good cooler to go with it and overclock it until it shits out its mouth.
It's a laptop......I don't know how to overclock.
....You're trying to upgrade the processor on a laptop.._______________.
save your money, invest in a pc.and i play on a laptop. just trust me. its not even close to being worth it./myopinion
Here's the thing. This is a birthday present, and we don't have the time to save enough to buy another pc. Instead, we're gonna upgrade mine until around Christmas, then buy a new gaming rig. (We bought a house and we have to pay for it at around the same time as my birthday)EDIT: The rig I wanna get.http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7301535&Sku=U15-1008
What do you people expect from me? I have NO experience in building anything, let alone a computer. Christ, I'm only 15...BUT. I could just go with impulse and buy from CybertronPC (Heard good reviews about them, and iBuypower is to inconsistent with their products...)
I built my computer when I was 14...All I did was watch this tutorial. It's not as nearly as hard as it sounds, just think of building a PC is like putting together a puzzle/legos. The only trouble you'll have is hooking up the power button and audio/usb leds and stuff but...yeh. And that shit you linked to is overpriced as fuck.Click to PlayHow to build a PC