o69snipe69o's Regular Application!Steam: o69snipe69o (
SteamID:# 184 "o69snipe69o" STEAM_0:0:24064393 48:51 199 13 active
In-Game Name:o69snipe69o
Time online:It's the summer, so I'm on all day
Servers:Trouble in Terrorist Town
Zombie Survival (Played once)
April 4, 1994
Games (on Steam):Alliance of Valiant Arms
Day of Defeat
Forsaken World
Garry's Mod
Global Agenda
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Team Fortress 2 (Free week)
Location:Lewisville, TX
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:The rANdOm Servers are one of my favorites and being part of the crew would be amazing. A lot of the people are nice, and most people follow the rules. I would like to help rANdOm in keeping their servers as clean as possible by being able to vote on VIP's votekicks/votebans.
Contributions to RND:Don't really have any besides playing on the servers
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:Email: metroidtaven@gmail.com
I would like to thank you guys for building and maintaining wonderful and enjoyable servers!
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!