So, in TTT all of us have done something really funny with a knife AT LEAST once, and I just want to hear things that have happened to you guys. I.E. you are about to get knifed and you say something funny. You tell someone something suspicious then come up to them and knife them right in teh faec. Or you pretend you are a T by pulling a knife that you got from a traitor.
WARNING tl;dr alert
As for me; I have done all 3...
On this one map, I had known that Jen(?) was the traitor so I had come up and tried to kill her, unfortunately she pulled a knife and I panic'd. I had tried to go back through the doorway I had come through but I went a little to far and was stuck there, 2 seconds before I died I said this in a funny way (from what everyone said) "DON'T KNIFE ME BROO, DON'T KNIFE ME, NOO--" everyone who was already dead were laughing their heads off.
As for the second one, we were on ttt_titanic(?) and I was in a good mood, since Jman killed me with a hammer teleporting thingie (I had agreed to do it so we could see if it would kill me) I decided to get a lil payback, I said "Hey Jman, I have a surprise for you." and right when he said I don't like surprises I knifed him and let out a maniac sorta laugh. I ninja'd and dodged the guy who saw me knife him and then sniped him whilst he was ID'ing body. I panic'd after that thinking they knew it was me and started shooting everyone which lead to my ultimate death xP
On the last one; I had heard shotgun fire and went to go check inside a little house to see what was going on, I saw Jen ID'ing a body and Sabb just ran toward me with a knife, so I did what any normal person would do...I instantely headshotted him with a rifle. As soon as I had clicked I realized "Wait a minute...Jen is ID'ing the body, and Sabb can be a trolololol somtimes...FUUUU" I checked the body and he was innocent
I did get a knife though