Alright so I investigated this, and what I thought could work as a simple change won't.
TTT applies karma at the end of each round, at the end of each round everyone not alive is a spectator, not dead/inno
If I stop karma gain for spectators, when it applies at each round end.. yeah there's the issue. It's just the design of the game.
A way to do it would be to manually keep track of all the players from start to end of round, excluding any other circumstances.
This isn't a feasible change like I was planning on implementing at the moment, so I reverted the changes I made.
I will think about ways to do this more adequately but I do not have anything at the moment,
The anyone who knows lua coding, this might sound dumb because I don't know.
What If It preforms a check for people that have been spectator during the round? From what I know about TTT (which isn't very much), Each part of the round has a different.... ID sort-of-thing.
Maybe If it checks to see if you have been a spectator during the fighting part of round 5 times in a row, it kicks you?
Just tell me if this isn't possible please.