Hey I know.
A Black Zip-hoodie with white Interlining and several inside + outside pockets
Orange Jeans with Zipper pockets
A White T-shirt with a Dream-canon Brand on it
I lay that shit out on the bed for later. Then I go back downstairs, Drink another cold glass of OJ, then go play some SNES for at least 7 hours.
7 hours later it's 3:04pm. I get a text from dudebro.
Awesome, I guess. Party at a club downtown... not weird at all.
So then, another 3 or so hours pass of me goofing off. On Forums using my DELL, outside at the park taking a walk or something, the warm summer air blowing past me, beautiful clear skies with few clouds, Sun's getting ready to set, it's just an awesome sight to behold.
Eating half A GIANT BAG OF SKITTLES... yes.
I drew that and so that is apparently what I did. I do remember eating SOMETHING but I guess at the time it was Skittles.7:18pm: I get a text from one of these guys I did know in School that was what we call "Bi-curious" enough.
As that may have been, it was nice enough that there was some slack and nothing awkward at all being friends with the guy, except that occasionally any time the group started talking about stuff it could backfire on us "complimenting girls".
Anywho as I LITERALLY THINK THIS EXCEPT to myself and not a reader (and not past tense, and instead in first person), the text said:
"hey i heard there was a prty or something downtown can i com?"
Since I was in this dream the person I was in this dream I replied:
"sure why not"
This will backfire tomorrow, surely, I thought to myself. But enough of that. Carry on a convo with the dudebro for about another 14 minutes, actually laugh at some things mentioned because they were true (Transvestite Hookers lololololol), then say the infamous 'l8tr'.
For some reason I guess I took a quick nap; it's 10:07pm exactly on the dot. I say this because there is a Analog Clock in the Living room, above the Kitchen Entrance. Weird. But anywho I get teh readeh for da beig paryt.
I look like The early 90's. And I smell like a bunch of good smelling things that were good smelling, probably Deodorant Body wash and a fuckton of Cologne. Sweet yet pronounced, tinged things. It still strikes me as amazing with the whole perception of senses in my dreams.So I'm now just chillin' under the streetlight next to my house. I've left the house 3 minutes ago, and took my leisurely time to lock the door outside in the Cool Night air. Crickets Chirping. Ambiance of cars and such off in the distance of the neighborhood. The boundless Dark sky, holding the Moon and the Stars. Benevolent sight.
So I spend 30 minutes circling between standing under the Orange Streetlight under the Dark scene, or standing in my frontyard staring at the sky... with my hood on, of course.
Then about when I look at my watch guess who ROLLS ON UP.
Music a fair bit loud enough to hear outside the damn van. Classy, though. I wonder who's driving.
So, Back seat FTW. I think now would be a good time to mention that I now know my peep's names:
Keith- Bro who nids teh laid
Simon- secund dudebro
Chase- guy in the passenger seat
Daniel- Driverbroftw
Ryan- a robot/android/somehow just something like that and it's totally not weird or anything that he is a robotwhatever... maybe a Cyborg. I wrote Robot but then I also wrote person so

BUTANYWHO it's shits and giggles from here. Not only are hits from like the last 20-30 years playing very loudly, predominately the early 90s, but we get 'lost' quite a bit, and we're speeding on like, empty streets during midnight.
We even stop at a Burger King or something for some silliness. FTW.
But eventually we get there. The Club. I'm going to have to call it 'The Club' because I don't quite remember the name. I know there were lights, though. Neon-neon colored lights.
But here's the 'best fucking part'.
AS we get out of Da vehicleh, Simon, somehow, gets into a fight with some, er, "Whore" outside the parking lot. Lol...
It was funny cause it was a literal "clusterfuck" of swearwords. I'm not sure if my imagination had a short case of tourettes but :u
Anywho we break it up. Haha. Keith, as if he was "fucking superman", PULLED Simon the "fuckaway" from the chick "still bitching" at him for whatever reason... den he calmds down. Chick walks down street. Smokes n stuff.
Well once that's over, we all walk towards the lineup outside the entrance, full of teens... at this point I lrn2myage.
I'm 17. And this is 1993. Cool Beans.
Though I'm not sure why I don't have a fake ID when I re-read this the first time. But I guess that's just how the dream was.
As we make it to at least the middle of the line, and we're all just talking about random shit (most likely reminiscing about something during HS), this lady walks past us, probably denied entrance into da club, adn we almost didn't see it until Chase jokingly pointed it out that her boobs were most likely fake or something

So, an agonizing yet unnoticeable time later, front and center.
I shine mah ID at da bouncer.
"...You're on VIP."
"What? Really?..."
So then right after he's letting me in, I ask about the rest of my Party (bros). He shrugs, says they were cool as long as they were with me or some silliness.
So I'm fucking VIP somehow. Hot damn. But Keith suggests that we see what's going on...on... the floor.
Ouch my brain.So we did. I remember a fluster of lights and people just fucking doing their thing; it was almost a stereotypical Night Club.
Teh Beats.
Teh lights that were predominantly cyan and magenta.
Teh Bartender. I honestly lol'd when I remembered it but in-dream that was legit...
Even the BAR STOOLS were there. All 32 of them.
Order some Alcohol, plz!Because apparently that is what had happened.
Alot of ladies, noticeably. Woo. But I'm not going into detail. Nid Content Rules.
{Redacted details about story; Steam-PM me if you even care which I'm certain you won't read this far but :u}
So after {Redacted},
Let's see what VIP does. I show the guys (and some usherladies) at the Hallway lobby the card I got when coming in, described the situation, and walked down the elegant, probably 200-star hallway made of exuberant and rare elements... like fucking gold-lined blocks of quarts with carvings of art or something like that in my notes. I wonder why I myself am in VIP or whatever but I was distracted by the Marble flooring, too. Much different from the Regular area behind the ropes.
Ryan makes a comment; we all laugh and talk about it while we wait for
this elevator.
Ding. Fucking Futuristic Elevator of the future somehow. We get inside. It's still roomy. Handlebars of Brass or Gold, can't tell.
Might not be plenty of people cause we might be "Late" or the few who actually are UP here.
So, elevator goes up a ways up for a bit. Small talk. Tiny tiny quiet elevator music more suited for clubs or something silly.
Ding. Fucking Red Carpeted flooring everywhere. Plants from ceiling and columns. Pictures of 'Modern Art'. Sharp looking or important looking or maybe just chill people about, not minding us toomuch.
Keith= More than fair share o' drunk. Now, just so you can also imagine this right; Keith, while in dis dreamd, had a really noticeable Southern Accent.
Now imagine drunkenbro complementing place really loudly. Notfancylikeeven.
THEN I let everyone do what they feel, everyone kinda scatters except for teh Simon. He said something about 'Not wanting to get lost, this place is odd' or something. I don't notice teh shiet. I'm fucking walking around, chillin' with a glass of Champagne and finger foods in my mouth.
So Sim is following me a bit, making small convo yet again. Seemingly at dis point, prettycooldude. Canhazactualconvosinsteadofsillyshit.
We go up one more level, and check out the place. Found a room with my CardIDonit. Woah what.
Card opens door. Wat.
Room is awesome. Dochillplz.
So while I am in the world's fuckingest awesome bean bag ever, i text everyone: "Sekoritroom C2 134 suite gogogo"
In due time everyone's there. Cept Keith. Where be dat bro at.
Oh, well apparently when we go on a little search we find him barely even, but still fighting this other guy. He's probably wasted too. No idea what happened, but it's broken up gradually.
Mostly because Keith is a monstrosity, both figuratively and literally, and also because {Redacted- unidmsgdisshitupcauseIgotitwrittendown}, plus the fact that he's stumbling already. Dear god.
WELL somehow back in dat room. Playing Split-screen Xbox or something.
I fell asleep in the Beanbagchair alot. At this point things started turning into "Clock says AB:CDam" except the clocks didn't really say that or anything, just, the events were getting less detailed and more sectioned instead of one big event.
At one point, We're all piss drunk to our own extents and are throwing popcorn or something at each other (god knows why) while watching or supposed to be watching a VHS of a movie or something.
Another point I'm sleeping on the Bbag face first. Dunno why.
Another point We're just fucking laying there on the floor, loling.
Another point {Redacted}
Then I did fall asleep {Redacted} and the {Redacted} {Redacted}
Then IRL, I truly woke up ON THE FLOOR (ouch) and wrote down my stuff.
And that was probably the most intriguing of my most detailed, dramatic, consistent, not necessarily exotic as this one other dream but by far the most trying dream ever wherein I didn't just randomly wake up in the middle/near end of it all.