Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26311595
IGN (In game name): .:RND`=- ☣ Sgt. FtDLulz
Time Online: Going to be online about 3 - 8 PM PST.
Games I Play:
Garry's Mod
C&C3 & 4
And some other non-important ones...
Trouble in Terrorist Town
Flood Mod
Age: 14
Location: California, USA
Reason Why I want to become regular:
I am nice, and LOVE to help people with problems if I can.
Well, long story short, I was off for a long time, and I got set back to Guest.
I was respected from the last website(Hence the RND infront of my steam name). I am going to be on for quite a while now, and would like to become regular to watch the
Fretta server and the
Flood Server sometimes.
I would like to know why my rank was reset, if it's because I was off for a long time, or etc...
Contributions: I might donate in the future, but I have not contributed anything sadly.
Thanks to any that


If you want to contact me, add my steam: awsomepossum18
Edit: Past few days, I have been playing ONLY Fretta, so if you want to see how I am, go there.