Since I was born, My sister owned 2 cats, technically I owned them too however.
But basically
1st Cat was dis Male Black Cat; died of Liver Cancer in 2001. 13 Years of age. Hated everyone else but me. Never scratched me, ever :u
Though like it wanted to when I always grabbed it's tail. I DID STUPID THINGS WHEN I WAS YOUNG :U
2nd Cat was dis Female Calico Cat; a gift from one of my sister's friends for her berfdai. Still alive, had one kidney removed, most 'loyal' pet ever.
Technically my Cat now as my sister is too busy. Trained her to do things (Call, Sit, stay etc). Two Years younger than me, technically 3 years younger but I was born April, in contrast to Late November.
Okay so basically a few weeks after we bought the damn thing, my sister stupidly decided to stick this strip of paper into the tank to see if the fish would attack it. Knowing this fish, IT FUCKING DID and she like freaked out and like PULLED THE STRIP OF PAPER OUT OF THE WATER WITH THE FISH STILL ATTACHED, ran around the living room screaming, then plopped the fish back in frantically. IT WAS STILL ALIVE. HOLY SHIT FISH OUT OF WATER.
It was so awesome, but we never named it yet.
So then we put it in her room cause it was safer there (Yeah no)... About 4 weeks later, 3 days before it died, we tried feeding it.
For some reason it was attacking it's tail. Hmm.
IT BIT IT'S TAIL OFF AND THERE WAS SOME BLOOD but then it didn't bother eating the food and was probably satisfied...
Then 3 days later it died probably from blood loss or maybe some strange thing. But yeah, Awesomefish.
Trillobytes; self explanatory. I had Prehistoric life living in my room for 5 years. Then secretly I poured them into a lake. BE FREE!
However in those 5 years they kinda had episodes; eating eachother/dead for example. I didn't have to feed the ones that got killed by the aggressive ones then! And they multiplied so fast in that tiny, tiny tank meant for one fish.
I remember watching them first grow; tiny little white dots swimming around... next time I decide to look at them these fucking GREY THINGS SCUTTLE ACROSS THE GLASS HOLY SHIT.
Also my room and desk never smelled the same. Smelt like Lobsters before you cook them... if I try hard enough it STILL DOES.
And this one time I had a pet
Centipede in Grade 3; funnest pet ever. IT ALWAYS CAME BACK TO ME NO MATTER WHAT I DID TO IT. ONCE I LEFT IT IN A CORNER BEHIND A DESK, THEN WHEN I WAITED IT CRAWLED BACK OUT ONTO MY ARM But then it kinda went UP my arm but that's besides the point; FTW. It also never bit me. Not once. Though the legs were always fucking weird feeling.
Though one day my Cat ate it. ALL of it. There were legs and bits of it on her chin/chops/whatever and I was like