Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot
--- Quote from: Benem3000 on May 27, 2011, 01:39:32 PM ---Im not saying that it should be lessened on all things. I mean like saying stupid stuff like I did. I feel a kick would have been more suited for the offense. But that's just my view. It would have communicated the point and I wouldnt have come on here saying stupid stuff like I did.
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ehhhh well all I can say is that you should be glad you learned a lesson, such as to not follow others behaviors. Polka is annoying as hell to me and he is only kept in check really by Conkerd but conk is like gone off the face of the earth. Just be yourself! I am sure you are charming! :D Ehh a kick mighta served but really depends on how people were affected. Since teeny was offended, and it was a sexual type thing, a ban was kinda in order. Well, whatever.... isn't the ban up now?
Its a 2 day ban so I still got another day to go :/
--- Quote from: Benem3000 on May 28, 2011, 12:13:10 AM ---Its a 2 day ban so I still got another day to go :/
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you can go two days without playing
just fucking wait.
--- Quote from: Andrew on May 28, 2011, 12:34:49 AM --- you can go two days without playing
just fucking wait.
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Calm down lol. I specifically asked him if the ban was up.
Hard Gay:
--- Quote from: Benem3000 on May 27, 2011, 02:02:13 AM ---Ya i didnt call teeny a fucking anything. I did use the f word but it doesnt matter. Teeny learn sarcasm. If you can't learn to take the majority of what i say as sarcasm and plain tomfoolery then sure, i will offend you a lot. Teeny said fuck a few times and it sounded sexual, so i made it sound like i was jizzing and then joked about being mad that I had to change my underwear. I mean what guy would honestly be mad about someone making them jizz? (which i did not btw) If you ban me for doing that then a lot of other people, and i mean a lot, should also get banned. To me its just ridiculous.
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I call that sexual harrassment. Girls are generally sensitive about these things. Sounds to me like you're a perv. If I were Teeny I would even be afraid, will you stalk me next?
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