Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot

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Fuck its 2 days now

This Toast:
I didn't know that
"The more you whine, the longer your ban is."


I'm not deciding whether you were serious or not. I didn't see it as a joke it was not funny to me. Again it was inappropriate immature and offensive. Which I am not going to deal with. I did not ban you because I was in a bad mood, I banned you because of my reasoning and I happen to be in a bad mood. Admins do provide reasoning for a ban but sometimes they don't. If you need to know why you were banned you should go to the admin that banned you. Sometimes admins don't give a shit and get pissed by all the bullshit they have to deal with. AND YES I LIKE RED VELVET CAKE SO WHAT. Yes I prolonged it because you continue to act immature and make things worse. No it's not the whining its stupid comments like this "Love ya babe <3  :love:

 Remember me? I'm the guy you banned for being a "general idiot". (insert long talk from glados about how you killed me here)"

This Toast:

Just goes to show, never post in rage. (that seriously is worthy of a sticky note)


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