Never tell your password to anyone.-ncr | Tator Core is now Online.·UηİŦ··©: .
·UηİŦ··©: ...
·UηİŦ··©: :|
-ncr | Tator Core: ??
·UηİŦ··©: Uh
-ncr | Tator Core is now Away.·UηİŦ··©: Uh
·UηİŦ··©: Are you still...
·UηİŦ··©: ._.
·UηİŦ··©: Uh
-ncr | Tator Core is now Online.·UηİŦ··©: This is so awkward :|
-ncr | Tator Core: its only awkward if you make it awkward-ncr | Tator Core: and i have no idea what are you getting at
-ncr | Tator Core: my mind is seriously blank
·UηİŦ··©: Oh
·UηİŦ··©: Well then
·UηİŦ··©: Nevermind.-ncr | Tator Core: D:
-ncr | Tator Core: atleast tell me whats going on
-ncr | Tator Core: cuz not knowing is gonna drive me crazy lol
·UηİŦ··©: You sound like a bunch of my friends...
·UηİŦ··©: okay but
·UηİŦ··©: Remember that time-ncr | Tator Core: well I'm trying lol
-ncr | Tator Core:

·UηİŦ··©: Aw man see now it just makes it harder to explain like that.
·UηİŦ··©: |:[
-ncr | Tator Core: -facepalm- XD
-ncr | Tator Core: seriously you don't need to be all "nervous" around me
-ncr | Tator Core: I'm rarely offended or whatever
-ncr | Tator Core: I'm very open and understands and I never judge
-ncr | Tator Core:
plus I'm pretty straightforward-ncr | Tator Core: so just out with it

cuz I still have no idea what this is all about lmao XD
·UηİŦ··©: okay okay
-ncr | Tator Core: mind you my memory really is crap sometimes lol
·UηİŦ··©: You seem like a really cool dudebro and all that, but... like... I'm not sure if I want... with the nekkidz and all...-ncr | Tator Core: nekkids? wut? someone say something about perversion? whats going on? -heightened attention-
-ncr | Tator Core: 8D-ncr | Tator Core: is this about some pervy stuff arranged before?
-ncr | Tator Core: I remember something about that XD
-ncr | Tator Core: sorry I've had so many other things on my mind I forgot D:
·UηİŦ··©: Yeeaaah :s
-ncr | Tator Core: XD
-ncr | Tator Core: well hey you're not obligated to do anything you don't want to
-ncr | Tator Core: last thing i want is people feeling uncomfortable
-ncr | Tator Core: but I always welcome any perversion 
·UηİŦ··©: <_>
·UηİŦ··©: That's what I wanted to talk to you about...-ncr | Tator Core: what do you mean?
-ncr | Tator Core: what i say? D:
-ncr | Tator Core: but I always welcome any perversion 
>_>-ncr | Tator Core: lol what??
i do 
-ncr | Tator Core: i don't understand whats wrong :/
-ncr | Tator Core: be clear with me

·UηİŦ··©: It's just that I don't want you to take this to... to like, "I liek seeing you
nekkidz :3"... but...
·UηİŦ··©: I don't want to get too deep into anything ._.
·UηİŦ··©: Or something
·UηİŦ··©: I dunno
·UηİŦ··©: This is weird for me... I just don't want you like... that. I don't think I want you ._.-ncr | Tator Core: hmmm i think
what you are trying to see is that you don't want any strings attached or you don't want it to just be about the nekkids and stuff?
-ncr | Tator Core: *trying to say
-ncr | Tator Core: well you don't have to worry with me or anything ... I don't develop feelings for people unless
its something worth having feelings for ... nekkids won't make me have any feelings and in the other sense its all just innocent fun
-ncr | Tator Core: you can always say no to me
-ncr | Tator Core: you aren't obligated to do anything you don't want to
-ncr | Tator Core: we can be friends of course
-ncr | Tator Core: with those benefits on the side ;P-ncr | Tator Core: and if anything bothers you ... please tell me ... i prefer knowing things clearly and having everything out on the table so we can deal with it rather than being avoidant and hiding things ... which just causes problems anyways
-ncr | Tator Core: lol so yea this isn't a relationship
-ncr | Tator Core: its just fun

-ncr | Tator Core: so did I get that all wrong? or am i still missing something?
·UηİŦ··©: uh
·UηİŦ··©: Well
·UηİŦ··©: That's actually pretty much
·UηİŦ··©: that ._.
·UηİŦ··©: but
·UηİŦ··©: The fun part ._.
-ncr | Tator Core: what was I off on?
-ncr | Tator Core: whats buggin' ya?
·UηİŦ··©: The Benefits part >_> I mean it's cool and all but I mean... usually whenever I think about someone totally revealing themselves to me or the other way around, I kinda can't really see it as anything else but starting to get a little... real...-I mean it's just still awkward >_> I still feel that that shouldn't even happen... with me... and you... I don't want. That. I'd like it if you didn't... plz :s-ncr | Tator Core: well I said before you don't have to do anything you don't want to do
-ncr | Tator Core: and um if you feel that you might start liking me or something or vice versa because of it ummm well we can always talk about it or w.e. ... anything is fixable as long as we can talk about it
-ncr | Tator Core: um if you don't want to do something im ok with ... if you don't want to reveal your identity or w.e. it is thats ok too
-ncr | Tator Core: just you know ... you don't have to do anything you don't want to
-ncr | Tator Core: like I said before I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable
·UηİŦ··©: >_<
-ncr | Tator Core: lmfao XD fff- whaaat? XD I'm so confused XD
·UηİŦ··©: No no nevermind ._.
·UηİŦ··©: It's cool... It's done.
-ncr | Tator Core: no please tell me-ncr | Tator Core: I don't like leaving things half-assed and "weird" like that
-ncr | Tator Core: if you have to be bluntly honest
-ncr | Tator Core: please do so·UηİŦ··©: No well it was that you already pretty much summed everything up and I still don't really want to see you anymore whether it's here or on the xbox later on... but it would seem that's already resolved...
·UηİŦ··©: I mean
·UηİŦ··©: F okay look I'm still being indirect :s
·UηİŦ··©: okay wait
-ncr | Tator Core: lol
·UηİŦ··©: Everything's sorted out. There.
-ncr | Tator Core: ...
-ncr | Tator Core: how'd that happen
-ncr | Tator Core: o_o?
·UηİŦ··©: No, cause you already talked about it and stuff
·UηİŦ··©: or like
·UηİŦ··©: Took the words out of my mouth in the sense that I don't want any... things... going on
·UηİŦ··©: or something
-ncr | Tator Core: lmao XD
-ncr | Tator Core: you haven't done this much have you?·UηİŦ··©: ^
·UηİŦ··©: I don't like to be in these situations... one of my friends non-IRL already had the wrong impression not too long ago. It's okay now, but still. Too much Drama.
-ncr | Tator Core: XD
-ncr | Tator Core: d'aww s'ok 
-ncr | Tator Core: so what now?
-ncr | Tator Core: still up for things? or what? 
·UηİŦ··©: ._.
Your state is set to Offline.
-ncr | Tator Core is now Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
-ncr | Tator Core is now Online.-ncr | Tator Core: so whats up?
·UηİŦ··©: ...
-ncr | Tator Core is now Away.
-ncr | Tator Core is now Online.-ncr | Tator Core: lol well are you up to anything?
·UηİŦ··©: Probably not :/
-ncr | Tator Core: lol are you nervous or something X3·UηİŦ··©: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll
·UηİŦ··©: not nervous but
·UηİŦ··©: uh
·UηİŦ··©: w
·UηİŦ··©: We just
-ncr | Tator Core: baww
-ncr | Tator Core: whats wrong?·UηİŦ··©: Uh
·UηİŦ··©: w
·UηİŦ··©: Okay lookYour chat with -ncr | Tator Core is now a multi-user chat.
-ncr | Tator Core has been invited to chat.[Bouncy] Piggy has been invited to chat.
-ncr | Tator Core: ?
[Bouncy] Piggy entered chat.[Bouncy] Piggy: ello mello
·UηİŦ··©: o hai
[Bouncy] Piggy: hi be r u
-ncr | Tator Core: herro?
[Bouncy] Piggy: herro
-ncr | Tator Core: so is this like some kind of intervention or something?
-ncr | Tator Core: whats going on D:[Bouncy] Piggy: To what may i ask :3 ?
-ncr | Tator Core: i have no idea
-ncr | Tator Core: my hookers and blow addiction? XP
[Bouncy] Piggy: Nice.
-ncr | Tator Core:
[Bouncy] Piggy: I used to have that problem myself once, then i saw prophet norppa
-ncr | Tator Core: who?
[Bouncy] Piggy: Well he is a great saint
[Bouncy] Piggy: have you never heard of him?
-ncr | Tator Core: no?
[Bouncy] Piggy: Well let me tell you his story
-ncr | Tator Core: why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?
·UηİŦ··©: ._.
[Bouncy] Piggy: Once upon a time
[Bouncy] Piggy: there was a lowly man
[Bouncy] Piggy: He didnt eat very much , so therefor was very skinny
[Bouncy] Piggy: All his life
[Bouncy] Piggy: People didnt like him
[Bouncy] Piggy: He felt lowly
[Bouncy] Piggy: and un-substantial
[Bouncy] Piggy: and one day, he saw the light
[Bouncy] Piggy: God spoke to him
[Bouncy] Piggy: ya hear me ?·UηİŦ··©:

·UηİŦ··©: >_>
[Bouncy] Piggy: Tator?
[Bouncy] Piggy: You know your name is like potato?
Snivy M.D. has been invited to chat.
Snivy M.D. has been invited to chat.-ncr | Tator Core: -facepalm-
Snivy M.D. entered chat. 
[Bouncy] Piggy: I swear it is like potato though?
-ncr | Tator Core: thats kinda the point ... -_-
[Bouncy] Piggy: wait you play portal 2 ?
-ncr | Tator Core: yea
[Bouncy] Piggy: You know...
[Bouncy] Piggy: glados was a potatoSnivy M.D.: Wheatley DIEEEEEEESSSS-ncr | Tator Core: really?
-ncr | Tator Core: I never noticed that
Snivy M.D.: Space.-ncr | Tator Core: I should look into that more
[Bouncy] Piggy: Wheatly isnt dead D:
[Bouncy] Piggy: He lives on forever
Snivy M.D.: In space.[Bouncy] Piggy: In our hearts :p
Snivy M.D.: Eventually his internal battery has to run out though.
Snivy M.D.: So technically, he's a dead-man walking.-ncr | Tator Core: unless he's running on potato power
-ncr | Tator Core:
Snivy M.D.: Then he'd only last a couple minutes.
Snivy M.D.: IM A NINJA-ncr | Tator Core: then glados should've never survived
Snivy M.D.: WEEEEEEE-ncr | Tator Core left chat.·UηİŦ··©: yay