I just didnt feel like replacing the processor, pretty delicate work amirite
No not really I do it more than enough times a month lol
only an idiot can destroy their computer by overclocking honestly, unless they have the money to not care and want to find the absolute max hz they can get.
i can clock to 4.7 with all default setting. no change to fsb or vcore. adjust fsb to 105 (from 100), since 105 is my max, and up my vcore to highest RECOMMENDED (forget the max, shit can break... dont risk 350USD for bragging rights) and clock my multiplier to 49-50x, 5.2ghz

fkn i7 K series with their unlocked multiplier
I really want an Intel
SO good
but not enough money to buy 1155 SLI board AND an i5 2500K :C
rather just get new SLI board, go SLI, then get 1090T when it gets cheap(er), around xmas time all will be built

andd yes most of the "failed overclock" video's are from people who do not know what they are doing...
have a look at the watercooling experts, they get a pentium overclocked to 5GHz fine