In-Game Name: (=CG=) GreyLlama [{XXL}]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21405727
Time online: I usually play 50 hours every two weeks. On Random servers i would say maybe 10 hours of that chunk is spent on the servers.
Age: 13
Birthday: 4th of December
Games (on Steam):
Counter Strike: Source
Team Fortress 2
Killing Floor
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Garry's Mod (Obviously)
Blacklight: Tango Down
Counter Strike w/ Condition Zero/ Deleted Scenes
Day of Defeat: Source
Half Life: Deathmatch
And lots more.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I would like to be Regular because I would like to be part of this community and have fun with others, as well as help guests out.
To be honest I think I'm a nice guy, to the point where I get 'harassed'. I love being in large communities and having fun and helping out.
Contributions to RND:
I don't really contribute much to RND. I could fill the servers or help others out.
The amount I contribute to RND is little, but i think that can change in the future. Another contribution i would gladly do is be active on the forums and help anyone if
they have any questions. My knowledge of computers is pretty large and I may be able to help others out in the Tech Section.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration.