Dont you guys think ur going a little too hard on alexodiother? All those negative comments breaks his self-confidence 
Lol hes just 14 years old, comeone guys! i know this guy and hes a very nice guy, i find it very sad for him seriously.
I think that he deserves Regular 
14 year olds seem to have enough trouble talking on the microphone, They can't say one word without someone saying "Dude.. come back when your balls drop", I know high pitched voices can be irritating, But I was 14 once and I know how it feels, I've played with alex and he seems to be a great kid, I haven't seen him act immature, There may be some occasions when he is but maybe we can point that out and help him in those areas.
I don't know about a thumbs up just yet, Maybe if he shows some improvement, But for right now it stands at 0-/+
@Alex If you get reg, I want you to know, That if you decide to be mature just to get Reg, I always record in-game and if you screw up (I'm not talking about a little nit pick, I will take you aside and let you know that you're doing something that makes you look bad and try and help you) I will show it to Iron man and he will be sadz.... (Seriously though, I will have to take action.)
And I approve this message.