Author Topic: Spanish Anteater's "Like Holmes" Detective Guide in TTT  (Read 85 times)

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Spanish Anteater's "Like Holmes" Detective Guide in TTT
« on: May 21, 2011, 10:12:38 AM »
Hi, I'm The Spanish Anteater. I love being detective, and although it may not be as fun as traitor, it is certainly better than innocent because you have the tools to track down and kill the traitors. This guide will tell you the best detective tools, the best guns to have as detective in different situations, and strategies depending on different situations.

Chapter One: Great Detective Tools

Most detectives usually buy a UMP Prototype. This is a SMG that does damage while slowing down the target. While accurate, you can spend your hard-work credits on things more useful, like a health station or a radar. You can pick up better guns without using credits. The health station is a small object with 200 charges (something close to that number) that heal a small amount of health with each charge. There is also a DNA collector so you can tell with the DNA scanner who used it. The radar tracks life signs coming from terrorists. This is helpful so you don't get ambushed by a traitor.

Chapter Two: Good Guns For a Good Detective

In my experience, the M16 is a great detective gun. With good damage, high accuracy, and it being fully automatic, it is perfect for medium to long range firefights. If you are confronted closer, a Desert Eagle provides great damage, moderate accuracy, and is a 1-hit kill headshot. This pair allows you to fight on all ranges. The M249 is a good gun for medium to close range fights with moderate damage and a high fire rate. Other good guns include the Glock and the Mac10.

Chapter Three: What Do I Do Know?

        Well my friend, now you test your skills. The best detective method proven is to wait for a dead body to show up. Then, go to it, and use your DNA scanner on it. If a sample of DNA is on it, I will track the person who killed the dead person. Track them down until your sure who it is. Sadly, there is one fault. A cause of RDM could cause you to kill an innocent. If that is the case, I am sorry but there is no way to solve it. Try to get others to attack the person too. If it is an RDMer, at least you don't lose too much karma, and the people will understand it was a mistake.
        Don't go alone. A traitor can simply run behind you and stab you. Traitors will try to kill the detective. People will want to follow you, so embrace that and form a pack. Traitors are less likely to attack a pack. DO NOT take advantage of their trust in you and RDM. You will lose karma and do less or no damage next round. One some maps, there are traitor testers. DO NOT rely on these. Use these tactics along with using the traitor tester machines. DO take people's word on C4. Go there immediately and disarm it. You don't want to lose innocents. Get engaged in firefights. You have armor, so use it and don't throw innocents to their death. Tell the traitors that you have a DNA scanner when you kill them so they don't "rage" and report RDM or complain.

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope this short tutorial reading will assist you in your detective rounds. Have fun and don't RDM!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 06:40:45 PM by The Spanish Anteater »