Alright, So the Karma system is supposed to Prevent RDMers, But when the people who don't RDM and the people that do follow the rules ACCIDENTLY kill an Innocent as an Innocent, Due to if the Innocent was Minging or doing something ridiculously suspicious, (Such as throwing nades/Carrying bodies, Etc.)
We all get frustrated as our karma goes back down and we have to work it back up cause some guy wants us to all have a bad day, I've heard lots of people complaining that there needs to be changes for the Karma System.
So here's my Idea, For one, Make it so that if the person is shot and the person returns fire (Being self defense, Also, Maybe being shot at if that is possible) They don't loose any karma, Or, If the person they shoot, has killed more then 2 Innocent people they don't loose Karma, Also Moving AFKs sooner, Or make it so that if you kill an AFK you don't loose karma (Could be an easier way for people to get their karma back up if the AFK is a T but it's your call.

There's more you could probably do but it would be some very complicated scripting (Well.. too complicated for me at least. x3)
But even if just these two things were focused on I think people would be MUCH happier.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and I will try and help out if I can.