.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

PS3 Network (PSN) Down

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Trying to sell my gamecube was a beotch.
My mom just threw it out or something.


--- Quote from: Shawn on April 26, 2011, 03:19:07 PM ---I have a wii therefor i have gamecube Lmao

--- End quote ---

I had an add-on for gamecube which let me play Gameboy Advance games on it. You can also use it to get Tingle to help you in LoZ: Wind Wakers

and look: http://blog.games.yahoo.com/blog/630-hackers-take-down-sonys-playstation-network
 :omgwtfddosd: I hate DDOS :(

Tiger Guy:
Wow, Anonymous is so retarded sometimes. I guess that is what you get when most of anon is 13 year old kids


--- Quote from: blah2355 on April 26, 2011, 04:20:55 PM ---Nope.avi

I had an add-on for gamecube which let me play Gameboy Advance games on it. You can also use it to get Tingle to help you in LoZ: Wind Wakers

--- End quote ---

I tried that. Worst waste of my 10 dollars ever.

:o I payed $50 for it! (Actually I got as a Christmas present)


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