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PS3 Network (PSN) Down

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About Wednesday last week, a group of professional hackers successfully brought down online access for every user.
A man named George Hortz jailbroke a PS3 and tampered with it, to get it to work the way that he wanted it to, and he made a video showing off his jailbroken PS3 (which was removed from youtube).

Sony sued George on counts of illegal copyright acts.

"Anonymous", the hacking group did not agree with the sue of Hortz, so they brought down PSN, claiming that PS3 users shall be allowed to do whatever with their system because they paid for it, because they own it.

Sony is currently working on getting PSN back up.

Video of Anonymous's threat to Sony's ways:

Anonymous: Second press release to Sony


--- Quote from: Foofoojack on April 25, 2011, 05:36:51 PM ---About Wednesday last week, a group of professional hackers successfully brought down online access for every user.
A man named George Hortz jailbroke a PS3 and tampered with it, to get it to work the way that he wanted it to, and he made a video showing off his jailbroken PS3 (which was removed from youtube).

Sony sued George on counts of illegal copyright acts.

"Anonymous", the hacking group did not agree with the sue of Hortz, so they brought down PSN, claiming that PS3 users shall be allowed to do whatever with their system because they paid for it, because they own it.

Sony is currently working on getting PSN back up.

Video of Anonymous's threat to Sony's ways:

Anonymous: Second press release to Sony

--- End quote ---

retarded group is retarded.

Keep in mind that Anon. was not aiming to affect the lives of PS3 players negatively, just Sony. (but this is fcking bullshit for me)

Playstation Network?
More like Playstation Notwork.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Just so you know:
It's NOT a hacker attack.
PSN has been attacked right after that hacker guy got sued, but after that, there have been no DDoS whatsoever.
But keep eating whatever mother Sony throws in front of you.

It's like I'm really on Xbox Live.


REALLY old news.

That was about three weeks ago.


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