.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

PS3 Network (PSN) Down

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» Magic «:

--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on April 26, 2011, 01:39:21 PM ---R.I.P. Gamecube

I remember playing with my friends DS LAN option so we could play super Mario cart together, a simple but very fun game.

--- End quote ---

RIP? My one's next to me now

It's not a dead console, the PSOne has only just died out

I still play my xbox original :P (without internet)

Plus at least my wii can play gc games

I found this too:

Gamecube had online?

Also, I blew up one of mine that stopped working. I still have the charred inner remains.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: » Magic « on April 26, 2011, 01:47:09 PM ---
RIP? My one's next to me now

It's not a dead console, the PSOne has only just died out

--- End quote ---

No, talking about Blah who dropped his. I know a lot of my friends who still have a gamecube.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on April 26, 2011, 02:18:12 PM ---No, talking about Blah who dropped his. I know a lot of my friends who still have a gamecube.

--- End quote ---

I have a wii therefor i have gamecube Lmao


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