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Serious question.

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--- Quote from: Xrain on April 25, 2011, 05:00:55 PM ---I upgraded from vista to win7, as the student discount only applied for win7 upgrades.

Like any serious overhaul like upgrading the OS you should always create a backup of your important files.

So backup your files, do the upgrade, if anything corrupts, no harm done.

My computer has been running faster and more stable since the upgrade.

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Which files would you consider REALLY important.
All i have is a 10 year old 20gb external hard drive and a few flash drives ;_;


--- Quote from: Cable on April 25, 2011, 05:02:10 PM ---Which files would you consider REALLY important.
All i have is a 10 year old 20gb external hard drive and a few flash drives ;_;

--- End quote ---

What would be prohibitively time consuming to replace?

ex: Important word documents, photos, things you created. Videos if you have the room, but if something happened you can just replace them. Game save files is another important one.


--- Quote from: Cable on April 25, 2011, 05:02:10 PM ---Which files would you consider REALLY important.
All i have is a 10 year old 20gb external hard drive and a few flash drives ;_;

--- End quote ---

Whatever is irreplaceable.

Things like Hammer Project files and such, save, but leave out the SDK and such.

If you can download it again, don't bother saving it.


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 25, 2011, 05:03:52 PM ---What would be prohibitively time consuming to replace?

ex: Important word documents, photos, things you created. Videos if you have the room, but if something happened you can just replace them. Game save files is another important one.

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So, Upgrading is reliable?


--- Quote from: Cable on April 25, 2011, 05:05:03 PM ---So, Upgrading is reliable?

--- End quote ---

Microsoft is generally very good at upgrades, you can upgrade from windows 5.0 all the way through every major version to windows 7 with not too much problem.

So it's just as reliable as anything else. But just remember to back-up your files.


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