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Serious question.

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Is it possible for the upgrade to fuck up and i end up with half of an OS?


--- Quote from: Cable on April 25, 2011, 05:08:03 PM ---Is it possible for the upgrade to fuck up and i end up with half of an OS?

--- End quote ---

Just as it's possible for your house to burn down.

Besides, it keeps the old windows install in a "windows old" folder.


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 25, 2011, 05:18:24 PM ---Just as it's possible for your house to burn down.

Besides, it keeps the old windows install in a "windows old" folder.

--- End quote ---
I thought that was only if you Master restored your PC.
I've master restored it before. Twice actually.
If this is a clean install, Are you sure that will even be there?


--- Quote from: Cable on April 25, 2011, 05:20:17 PM ---I thought that was only if you Master restored your PC.
I've master restored it before. Twice actually.
If this is a clean install, Are you sure that will even be there?

--- End quote ---

When I reformatted, I installed a vanilla copy of windows vista, then upgraded to win7.

It left all of the windows vista files in a folder called windows.old

Mr. Franklin:
I did not upgrade to windows 7, i gave it a rating of 2 out of 5, sure it looks cool and all, but it does not fit my personal needs in office work.


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