1. Player's SteamIDs STEAM_0:0:23794867 for Sephiroth Emperor IV and STEAM_0:1:31689321 For Sephiroth III
2. Players Nickname Sephiroth Emperor IV and Sephiroth Emperor III
3. Your in-game name InfamousFelix
4. Server name .:'=-~rANdOm~`=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL-
5. Description of the event(s) This all Started on TTT's Island map, I was a T as well as Emperor III, It was about 45 seconds into the round and I was at the Desert Eagle spawn by the rocks, I looked at emperor IV and looked away, Went down towards the second scout spawn (By the beach) but I didn't go very far, Then I walked back and he was there, He shot me in the face with a shotgun without suspicion or without proof,
I don't have proof of this part but I do have proof that they were ghosting which will be shown later in video, I Finally got one of them to confess, Plus Emperor III Repeatedly confesses, and then IV will do it right after "Jokingly" But I have a confession from him, Which I had to be very direct with him and call him out on it, He didn't confess until I pointed out the part of my story to others like Dark Pacifist that I saw to be suspicious and he agreed with me that it was ghosting, It was only then that I finally got a confession out of him, He tried to offer me karma and a knife to trade to drop it, But I refuse to allow Behavior such as Sephiroth IV and ESPECIALLY III's continue to be on the server, Such Mingeing should be taken action on,
Now, Later on in the map Everyone had died, Emperor III was the T yet all other people including his team mate had died EXCEPT for Emperor IV, Who was the Detective at the time, I found this all suspicious so I started recording,
For the next 30 minutes or so, I have evidence of Emperor III Being a Bigot, A racist, His random confessions, Him asking Mr.Muffins if Emperor IV was his brother (Which he did say yes, He could've only known if he was talking to him via SteamFriends), I have witnesses to more RDM kills from Emperor IV and III, Irish Might, Who I will send the link to this later and he can display his side of the story as well.
6. Reason for ban
RDM multiple times without suspicion and way too early in the game, Ghosting, Bigotry and Racism.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
I will have to upload the video tonight, As there is 31:13 minutes of footage, 831MB and I have a 100kbps max upload rate currently and it takes down the entire internet connection, If it's ok to edit the video, Let me know and I will try and just get to the point, Otherwise I can have the whole video uploaded tonight with Mega Upload.
Thank you for You're time.