.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Bans (Read Only) => Report => Approved => Topic started by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 03:07:50 PM

Title: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 03:07:50 PM
1. Player's SteamIDs STEAM_0:0:23794867 for Sephiroth Emperor IV and STEAM_0:1:31689321 For Sephiroth III

2. Players Nickname Sephiroth Emperor IV and Sephiroth Emperor III

3. Your in-game name InfamousFelix

4. Server name .:'=-~rANdOm~`=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL-

5. Description of the event(s) This all Started on TTT's Island map, I was a T as well as Emperor III, It was about 45 seconds into the round and I was at the Desert Eagle spawn by the rocks, I looked at emperor IV and looked away, Went down towards the second scout spawn (By the beach) but I didn't go very far, Then I walked back and he was there, He shot me in the face with a shotgun without suspicion or without proof,

I don't have proof of this part but I do have proof that they were ghosting which will be shown later in video, I Finally got one of them to confess, Plus Emperor III Repeatedly confesses, and then IV will do it right after "Jokingly" But I have a confession from him, Which I had to be very direct with him and call him out on it, He didn't confess until I pointed out the part of my story to others like Dark Pacifist that I saw to be suspicious and he agreed with me that it was ghosting, It was only then that I finally got a confession out of him, He tried to offer me karma and a knife to trade to drop it, But I refuse to allow Behavior such as Sephiroth IV and ESPECIALLY III's continue to be on the server, Such Mingeing should be taken action on,

Now, Later on in the map Everyone had died, Emperor III was the T yet all other people including his team mate had died EXCEPT for Emperor IV, Who was the Detective at the time, I found this all suspicious so I started recording,

For the next 30 minutes or so, I have evidence of Emperor III Being a Bigot, A racist, His random confessions, Him asking Mr.Muffins if Emperor IV was his brother (Which he did say yes, He could've only known if he was talking to him via SteamFriends), I have witnesses to more RDM kills from Emperor IV and III, Irish Might, Who I will send the link to this later and he can display his side of the story as well.

6. Reason for ban
RDM multiple times without suspicion and way too early in the game, Ghosting, Bigotry and Racism.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
I will have to upload the video tonight, As there is 31:13 minutes of footage, 831MB and I have a 100kbps max upload rate currently and it takes down the entire internet connection, If it's ok to edit the video, Let me know and I will try and just get to the point, Otherwise I can have the whole video uploaded tonight with Mega Upload.

Thank you for You're time. :)
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Foofoojack on April 21, 2011, 03:39:59 PM
Yeah just try to cut out non useful stuff
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: » Magic « on April 21, 2011, 03:43:38 PM
get that video file converted to MP4, it'll be around 100mb for 30 min video while retaining all quality

I can give you the converter(AVS) settings if you wish
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Dale Feles on April 21, 2011, 04:05:54 PM
I've see these guys play before, and it's no surprise if they ghost. Waiting for the video to be uploaded before +/-'ing
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Sabb on April 21, 2011, 04:08:05 PM
Ah, I actually had left right when they joined the game.
One of them is JBoned and were making a threat or something involving breaking rules or something, can't remember cause I was kinda in the middle of something.
I would also like to see the recording before +1ing.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: jimonions on April 21, 2011, 04:15:12 PM
Sephiroth Emperor IV is roflcopter fyi.
Mr. Muffins is his brother.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Foofoojack on April 21, 2011, 04:23:44 PM
Sephiroth Emperor IV is roflcopter fyi.
Mr. Muffins is his brother.

This changes everything.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Hitman on April 21, 2011, 05:44:38 PM
 :thumbsup: to the ghosting, III & IV admitted they were doing it.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Cable on April 21, 2011, 05:46:10 PM
Its great that you got proof,
But demo's are preferred.
If you are not aware on how to crate a demo recording, pay attention.
While you are in game (TTT for example) press ~ to open your console.
Then you're going to type "record *You can put any file name here*"
So for example, Someone was hacking in TTT, I would spectate them and type in the console "record speedhacker"
It will then start recording, and it wont stop recording until you type stop in the console.
Once you've captured proof with the recording, The demo file can be found in your steam folder under
Program files/steam/steamapps/*your user name*/garrysmod/garrysmod
The file will be in there. From there all you need to do is upload it to any upload site. For example:
http://www.filesmelt.com/ (http://www.filesmelt.com/) or http://www.mediafire.com/ (http://www.mediafire.com/)
Once it's uploaded, Just simply make a report as you did, and enter the file download link for proof.
If you want to watch the recording yourself, go back into Garrysmod
open the console and type in "playdemo *file name here*"
So once again using my example, I would type "playdemo speedhacker"
The demo would start to play.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 05:49:32 PM
Its great that you got proof,
But demo's are preferred.
If you are not aware on how to crate a demo recording, pay attention.
While you are in game (TTT for example) press ~ to open your console.
Then you're going to type "record *You can put any file name here*"
So for example, Someone was hacking in TTT, I would spectate them and type in the console "record speedhacker"
It will then start recording, and it wont stop recording until you type stop in the console.
Once you've captured proof with the recording, The demo file can be found in your steam folder under
Program files/steam/steamapps/*your user name*/garrysmod/garrysmod
The file will be in there. From there all you need to do is upload it to any upload site. For example:
http://www.filesmelt.com/ (http://www.filesmelt.com/) or http://www.mediafire.com/ (http://www.mediafire.com/)
Once it's uploaded, Just simply make a report as you did, and enter the file download link for proof.
If you want to watch the recording yourself, go back into Garrysmod
open the console and type in "playdemo *file name here*"
So once again using my example, I would type "playdemo speedhacker"
The demo would start to play.

Yes Sir, I'm aware of how to record them but I recorded with Fraps because The last Community I was involved in, The admins got frustrated and didn't want to see the Demos, They asked me to record with fraps, So I figured I would do it with everyone to provide less hassle, But since Demos are preferred here, I will gladly submit them here. :) They're MUCH easier and A LOT less of a hassle to download and upload. x3

I infact just got finished uploading the Video, Here it is. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0YT4V8Z (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0YT4V8Z)
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Deelpeel on April 21, 2011, 06:04:45 PM
 :thumbsup: i was there for a little bit and i did notice it
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Dale Feles on April 21, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
I'm not able to fully see the text in-game, could you post the chat logs so it's more clear and easy for people to see please?
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 07:47:57 PM
I don't have any logs I think unless Garry's mod automatically does it, Although I seem to be able to see the letters ok on my computer. >.<
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
I'll try and make another video with better quality, I'll upload it tonight (Have work in the morning so I'll let it upload when I sleep)
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Shawn on April 21, 2011, 08:06:00 PM
YOUTUBE But srsly youtube is perfered by me Lol i'm a lazy fucker that doesn't like to download shit...

But ya +1
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: InfamousFelix on April 21, 2011, 08:11:32 PM
It'll have to be tomorrow or Saturday night. >.<
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Dale Feles on April 22, 2011, 03:54:13 AM
Guys, I think sephiroth deserves a ban

06:52 - .:~RND`=-$ilent: Your lil friend IV will be banned too
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: some of them continue to shoot
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: especially the on--
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: OH
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: SHIT
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: DONT
06:52 - Emperor Sephiroth III: PLEASE
06:52 - .:~RND`=-$ilent: THEN APPEAL
06:53 - .:~RND`=-$ilent: then you and IV might be banned
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: SO!?
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: SO FUCKING WHAT?
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: BS TO THAT
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: I DONT CARE
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: I DONT CARE
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: BEING REGULAR
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: ISN'T IMPORTANT AT ALL ANYWAY
06:53 - Emperor Sephiroth III: just dont tell him
06:54 - Emperor Sephiroth III: why he got banned
06:54 - Emperor Sephiroth III: OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS

Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: » Magic « on April 22, 2011, 04:00:52 AM
Gah let me get to a pc...

zip and upload the .dem -.-
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: RoflCopter on April 22, 2011, 07:07:42 AM
For 1 I admitted that i was ghosting a long time before III did and said truce to the others in the server... later on he asked me if I wanted to ghost with him and I denied hit. Yet again he asked to ghost and this time he said "if you're traitor, tell me your buds so I can avoid them" So yeah I don't even really like him, he was just trying to ghost. So at the start he loured me into ghosting.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Sabb on April 22, 2011, 08:04:32 AM
For 1 I admitted that i was ghosting a long time before III did and said truce to the others in the server... later on he asked me if I wanted to ghost with him and I denied hit. Yet again he asked to ghost and this time he said "if you're traitor, tell me your buds so I can avoid them" So yeah I don't even really like him, he was just trying to ghost. So at the start he loured me into ghosting.
That's probably the most pathetic excuse I've heard.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: somerandomguy09 on April 22, 2011, 09:24:42 AM
For 1 I admitted that i was ghosting a long time before III did and said truce to the others in the server... later on he asked me if I wanted to ghost with him and I denied hit. Yet again he asked to ghost and this time he said "if you're traitor, tell me your buds so I can avoid them" So yeah I don't even really like him, he was just trying to ghost. So at the start he loured me into ghosting.

Really..... you sound like one of those little kids who try pinning the blame on everyone but themselves...

Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Travelsonic on April 22, 2011, 02:05:54 PM

I infact just got finished uploading the Video, Here it is. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0YT4V8Z (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y0YT4V8Z)

Now you can watch it without downlloading it.  Just changed the "upload" in megaupload to video - megavideo hosts what is uploaded from megaupload, so with a quick url name change you can watch videos instead of downloading them. (http://www.megavideo.com/v/F6ZI1YOI572df8448945badcd231a9b78c029f1a2)

BTW: Anybody know how to convert the demo video files recorded en-console instead of uploading them to sites in the default format, and if framerates are highly impaced from recording while playing like using FRAPS CAN affect the game? [having never recorded demos in HL2/GMod before]
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: » Magic « on April 22, 2011, 02:22:32 PM
Now you can watch it without downlloading it.  Just changed the "upload" in megaupload to video - megavideo hosts what is uploaded from megaupload, so with a quick url name change you can watch videos instead of downloading them. (http://www.megavideo.com/v/F6ZI1YOI572df8448945badcd231a9b78c029f1a2)

BTW: Anybody know how to convert the demo video files recorded en-console instead of uploading them to sites in the default format, and if framerates are highly impaced from recording while playing like using FRAPS CAN affect the game? [having never recorded demos in HL2/GMod before]

startmovie <dem> <format>(avi, mp4)
playmovie <dem>
It should give options
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Travelsonic on April 22, 2011, 04:06:28 PM
startmovie <dem> <format>(avi, mp4)
playmovie <dem>
It should give options

Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Deacon on April 22, 2011, 04:30:37 PM
startmovie <dem> <format>(avi, mp4)
playmovie <dem>
It should give options

i know this is supposed to work but every time i tried it gave me 10000 .tga's

Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: RoflCopter on April 22, 2011, 04:45:10 PM
Ok then, admins. Ban me I deserve it for ghosting n stuff. But please dont make it perma banned because i like RND TTT. kkthxbai
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: [Valor]iPounce on April 22, 2011, 05:58:27 PM
i know this is supposed to work but every time i tried it gave me 10000 .tga's
and 31gbs
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: » Magic « on April 23, 2011, 03:18:07 AM
i know this is supposed to work but every time i tried it gave me 10000 .tga's

Because you forgot to put in a format lol
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: Dale Feles on April 23, 2011, 06:34:24 AM
I don't have porrf but a few mins ago he target rdmed then left. Why so serious witnessed it.
Title: Re: Ghosting, RDMing, Bigotry, Racism.
Post by: jimonions on April 23, 2011, 07:28:14 AM
Roflcopter: banned 4days / demoted to guest                      http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:31689321&advType=steamid&Submit (http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:31689321&advType=steamid&Submit)
Flander Scarlet: banned 2 weeks / already jbanned             http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:31689321&advType=steamid&Submit (http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:31689321&advType=steamid&Submit)