Author Topic: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.  (Read 208 times)

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Offline PhysicX M.D.

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ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« on: April 10, 2011, 07:27:16 AM »
Hi there,It's ASDF and if you're reading this you will have probably knew me or you have played the rnd zs and this is my guide.This guide is mostly about weapons,facts and zombies.

Introductions to zs
So the gamemode zs is basically like a you-have-to-cade-in-order-to-survive-and-kill-zombies game.It's not like one of those left 4 dead 2 games where you shoot hundreds of zombie into piece of shit and run like hell being clawed by zombies.In ZS,it's not like that.Zombies are harder and stronger in zs so you might want to cade when they come.NO.Don't cade at early waves.Stay out for a while and get kills.After like half life or wave 4-5,its time to cade.In zs,humans main objective is to stay alive till wave 10 and get kills.Zombies main objective is to eat human's brain and pingas in order to take over TEH WORLDD.So if this is your first time playing zs,you might want to press f1 ingame to learn the basics of this game.When you play the game and you have never played this map,look around.Go where people go.And if you got picked as a zombie,you have 2 best choices.
2.Eat brains when you're zombie.

If you become zombie,Don't do the following stuff:
1.Whining(WHY I BECOME ZOMBIE OR SHIT ORAUHDFASHUDASJDHJL AHS)(No point arguing or whining.You won't become human by doing that)
2.AFK(plz don't.Rather rage quit than afk.It is because when you rage quit,the next round someone will be randomly picked to become a zombie.If you afk for the whole time,you are most likely gonna be one zombie till wave ten.)
If you're human,good then.Stay close together.Remember,you need teamwork in this game

1b.Pistols(Tier 1 weapons)
1c.Better Pistols/handguns(Tier 2 weapons)
1d.SMGs(Tier 3 weapons)
1e.Shotguns(Tier 4 weapons)
1f.Special Weapons(tier 5 weapons)
1g.Weapons that you can't get from arsenal tree.

2b.Normal Zombies
2c.Fast Headcrabs
2d.Fast Zombies
2f.Poison headcrab
2g.Poison zombie
2h.Chem Zombie

3a.Facts about everything in zs

Now we are off to weapon section(MY FAV)

In a zombie apocalypse,you normally might have weapons,melees and etc.Without them,zombie would have rape us till become. RED JELLOThere are advantages and disadvantages to humans and zombies.For humans,their weapons are ranged and melee.They are faster than most zombies.They have the power to kill alot of zombies.Their disadvantages is easy to get killed,can be a human once and when he dies,forever to zombie.They are not alerted sometimes and careless,then a wraith or chem kills them.Some players as humans thinks that they are the predator and the zombies are the prey.So some of them stays out and spawn camp zombies while the others cade.Don't think that away.It will easily get you killed.Humans also can't choose their own weapons.So if you end up with the worst weapons,well sorry to hear that.Advantages to zombie,they are more powerful,stronger and have infinity lives(till you get human)They can choose any zombie they like.They can ambushed humans easily.Disadvantages is slow.Most of zombies(except headcrabs and fast zombie)are slow.It is also hard for them to get kills because of their slowness.They can't carry objects(I think)


Getting kills is easy as crap to pros.but to newbies,its hard.During the time I played in zs,I've ranged newbies ,pros kills.Here are the range.
Newbies(First Time playing):0-5 kills
Beginners(After days of playing zs):0-15 kills
Immediate(after weeks of playing zs):5-20 kills
Expert(After months of playing zs):5-35 kills
Professional(After like a 6-12 months of playing zs:30+kills
Masters(After years of playing zs)(Like psycho0124):50+ kills

You need kills in this gamemode.Every 5-10 kills,you will normally get new weapons.
5 Kills:Better Pistols
10 Kills:Either health or armor
15 Kills:SMGs
20 Kills:Aegis Kits and Grenades
25 Kills:Shotguns
35 Kills:Special Weapons

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:There is a tiny chance that you won't get weapons when you get 5/15/25/35 kills.IT happens to me once that I din't get SMG when i get 15 kills.So next topic.

1ab.Melee weapons(SLICE)

I am not completely sure about the weapons damage because I've always hit zombies in the head so I had no idea whether damage increases for melee when it is headshot.So the damage are all from hitting zombies head.Also,all the damage,number of clips/bullets are dealed on a NORMAL ZOMBIE.NOT FAST.NOT POISON.BUT THE STANDARD ZOMBIE.kk?

Sledge/Big Ass Hammer
:It looks some sort of ban ass hammer.Atleast 39% of people who play zs hope to get this melee.
Its a powerful melee.Its around 60-80 damage.You can take down a normal zombie with JUST 3 HITS.Sadly,it is slow.
Like I said.It is the slowest melee weapon in game.normally takes 2.5 seconds of delay.
The heaviest melee weapon too.It slows you down like you're holding a deagle or magnum.Switch to your first handgun to move faster.

The Shovel
:Ahh yes,the shovel.My favourite melee weapon.It has high damage but and faster than sledge hammer but slower than axe.30% of people(Including me)Hope to get this melee. .

40-60 damage.4-5 hits on normal zombie is fatal to him.(depending where you hit.Aim the head)
it is 2 seconds delay.It has low speed but obviously faster than sledge but slower than axe.
Light..It feels like you're holding a owens gun.So use this weapon as an escape weapon when zombies are chasing you.

Axe me a question.
:haha axe.Also great weapon.It has average damage and average delay.23% of people who play zs hope to get this melee.It is also good weapon to get that pesky headcrabs.

Average.normally 30-40 damage.4 - 5 hits on normal zombie is fatal.
1.75 seconds.
It is also light.As light as the shovel.

Frying Pan:
:This will give major headaches to zombies.It has a little low damage but it is fast weapon.4% of people hope to get this weapon.This weapon is used to get headcrabs too.

it has little low damage.less powerful than axe.20-35.
Much faster than axe.1 second.
Same weight like axe and shovel.

Carpenter's hammer(Nailing TooL)
Yes,the nailing tool.It has small damage but good for killing headcrabs and its quite fast.Not only that,there's also another advantage about this weapon.Remember the part where I said CADE above?you right click on a prop with carpenter's hammer and there will be a nail.Yes,a nail in the couch.That will stop zombies from coming to eat your anus.But don't waste them all on a piece of garbage.It is important weapon.I bet that noone has ever survive without having a carpenters hammer b4 unless zombie is afk.SO if you get this,use it can even nail props to make a ladder/stair to someplace where its hard to get(example:infected_hospital.Someone destroy battery,stairs are locked.So we take props out,nail them to wall to make steps to the upper floor.)But not alot of people hope to get this weapon.atleast about 3%. of people hope to get this weapon.

20-35(low damage).
Faster than all above.0.8 second.
Lighter than all above.

Keyboard and pot.
Both of this weapons are not introduce in the melee arsenal.It is a special weapon that some few special maps have them(zs_infected hospital,zs_playboymansion,etc)They are okay.I rather use them than plank.

15-30(low damage).
keyboard is actually the fastest melee(excluding plank).Frying pot is like Frying pan
Same like the others except sledge

Shitty Knife/Fail Plank
I'm lazy to do this damage and weight for this shitty weps.Both of them has low damage(Even though knife is best melee to kill headcrabs)But both of them are fast.Knife offers about 15 damage while plank is just 10.Plank is the fastest melee weapon but it is the lowest damage and most hated weapon for me.only 1% of people like this weapons.I think I rather die and become a zombie than having this melee(Coolz,remove it and I love you)

HEY,looks like were done for the melee part here.LETS TO TEH GUNZ>

But before we move on I would like to thanks cake faic and DoeniDon for the weapon stats format(LOL)

Pistols(Tier 1 weapons)

This are weapons that you normally get them when you spawned into a zs round.

Battleaxe Handgun
Blah..I don't really like it because it is very inaccurate.atleast 10% of people will have hope to get this gun.

Good.After about 10-14 bullets(On normal zombie all the way),the zombie should have died by now
Not good.It would take you 2-3 clips for a zombie to die.
Far away
Horrible.Try not to engage a target at this range.IT would have take you about 6-8 clips to kill a normal zombie from a range like this.
If you ask me,I say it is inaccurate.Better off using owens or peashooter.If you're far from your target,you will rarely land bullets into your target.
Fire Rate:
Medium.It's slower than peashooter but faster than owens
as light as peashooter.Owen's abit heavier.
Clip Size:
12 bullets

Peashooter gun
Fast shooting weapon,good accuracy and extra bullets(18/36 while others 12/24)sadly,it is low damage.35% of people hope to get this gun(I know cuz one guy gave me a crossfire glock and use his peashooter LOL)Model for this weapon is a SIG P228.Good for shooting headcrabs and chems from far.

Not good,being close with a peashooter is bad because you are running,spraying and can't get a headshot.About 20 bullets to take a normal zombie down
Best range.From here,its easy for you to get a headshot.12-15 bullets will be used
Far away
Good,you still get headshots.14-18 bullets will be used even if you miss some bullets.
2nd most accurate gun for me.Very good accuracy and can aim from far yet damage is quite low.
Fire Rate:
Very fast..
Light as battleaxe.
Clip Size:
18 bullets

Owen's gun
My favourite gun.It's like a mini shotgun.It shoots out 2 bullets and it is averagely accurate and highest damage among the other two pistols.Most of the people would hope to get this gun

Best,it took me about 8-10 bullets to take down a zombie while aiming at his head.
Okay,you still have landed some shots.12 or more bullets to take the zombie down.Although,I recommend you not to shoot from here.
Far away
Very bad.It is a mini shotgun and shotguns are supposed to be closed range.You might land 1 of the 2 bullets.but it will take you 3 ore more clips.
Averagely accurate.Good for taking headcrabs down.
Fire Rate:
Heavier than the other 2 guns..
Clip Size:
12 bullets
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:43:11 PM by PhysicX M.D. »
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 07:28:10 AM »
TIER 2 weapons TIll weapons you can't get(Placeholder)

Better Pistols and Revolver(Tier 2 weapons)
This are weapons that you normally get them after you get 5 kills.

Zombie Drill Desert Eagle
Inaccurate but high damage,fast shooting pistol.I think 35%of people hope to get this weapon.

The best.After 5-6 bullets,your target should lay.
Okay,atleast you still can shoot zombies from here.not more than 2 clips unless your aiming is horrible.
Far away
Extremely bad.Magnum is better for this one.Don't engage at zombies this range.
Average.You can shoot the zombie from close to mid range and kill him.IT is more used in close range or mid range.
Fire Rate:
Fast.Faster than magnum or glock.
Heavier than glock.Same weight as a sledge hammer or magnum.

Crossfire Glock
Brother to owen's gun.It's also like a mini shotgun but bigger spread,more bullets and higher damage.3 bullets per shot.A few people would want this gun.I would want it if i was in a closed range map.

Devastating.The best range is this one.You could take it down with 4-6 bullets.(If all 3 bullets were fired into a normal zombie)It is also good a shooting headcrabs.
No.Don't try.You might just get 1 or 2 bullets fired on a zombie.It would take you more than a clip to take the zombie down.
Far away
Don't even think about it.I guarantee you that it would take you more than 5 clips to take a zombie down from this range.
It has a huge spread and one of the worst accuracy.
Fire Rate:
Slower than a deagle but faster than a magnum
Lighter than deagle and magnum..

Ricochete Magnum
My favourite 2nd tier gun..Amazing gun with very high damage,good accuracy but low ammo.Most of the people would want this gun.

Best,can take it down with few shots just around 4 bullets if you aim to head and chest sometimes.
It is still good,you can take it down in a clip or 8 bullets.
Far away
Not good.Magnum is not capable of long range.maybe more than 2 clips.
Average Accuracy
Fire Rate:
Slower than the other pistols.
Heavier than the other 2 pistols.

Sub-Machine Guns(Tier 3 weapons)
This are weapons that you normally get them after you get 15 kills.

Bulletstorm P90
Even though it has huge amount of ammo,It is my personal disfavourite SMG.Accuracy is shit,damage is low.It is good for taking down shitting headcrabs because of the huge amount of ammos.

Yeah,good range.Finish about 35-40 bullets on a normal zombie(if you rarely miss it)
Very bad.Already at this range it is like a worthless shit to me.just more than 2 clips I think depending on your aim
Far away
I'm not even going to say it.Try aim at a zombie at this range.I Guarantee you will finish more than 5 clips.
BADDDDD.VERY BAD.You will miss most of the bullets when you're far from the zombie.
Fire Rate:
Very fast.
Its quite heavy.Definetely heavier than magnum.[/size]
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:54:24 PM by PhysicX M.D. »
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 07:28:24 AM »
Zombies(Placeholder 2)
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 07:28:38 AM »
Facts(Place holder 3)
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 07:29:14 AM »
Credit(place holder 4)Sorry triple post.Cant do the whole shiz now -.-.Forgot some ppl.


To the following people:
Revenant:For shitting introducing me to gMod and zs and valves games and for being my classmate at schools 6 years ago(I still love you bro
Coolzeldad:For creating this RND zs
Psycho0123:For teaching me,giving me support and being the zs master(Where are you psycho0123?)
Jimonions:For creating extremely detailed and interesting maps.And also left 4 dead 2 wif me :\,and also ban idiots from disturbing me
Cable330:For creating detailed maps and strategic,interesting maps for zs
Hard Gay:For being nice to me and giving me an apology after what he has done to me.Also for saving our asses during zs
Moo:FOr posting my VIP app 5 times and...I wan include him here.
Minic:For giving me drugs during zs and having fun wif me in zs.
Don:Your weapon's format and guide's format.Plz dont kill me for copying them :(
asdasohauhsf9hwu9ea I iz done.U may post naow.The weapon section all comming out in a few days or weeks.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:40:36 AM by PhysicX M.D. »
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2011, 08:03:59 AM »
you wont add the keyboard? several maps got it

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2011, 08:06:02 AM »
you wont add the keyboard? several maps got it
I forgot..Thanks.
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2011, 08:33:15 AM »
Stop trying to make your guide so similar to mine ;_;
You even copied my shitty joke with SMasters in the credits :/

Anyway, I have only flown over it and found loads of grammar/spelling mistakes, which doesn't really look good on a major guide.
And in my opinion, the layout is terrible ... Making things look big does not equal in quality, try to keep the layout organized and simple, yet easy to use. Also try to write more on certain things - abstain from only writing one little sentence about something, elaborate about any possible bonus points/extras something might have! It looks much better that way.
Some pictures would've been nice as well - if you're gonna use Cake's/my layout, at least do it at an equal quality.

Even though this sounds rather negative, I haven't actually taken the time to properly read this yet, so I might give you more points I've noticed later on.

Still, I love the way you showed all the topics in the beginning.
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2011, 08:36:27 AM »
Stop trying to make your guide so similar to mine ;_;
You even copied my shitty joke with SMasters in the credits :/

Anyway, I have only flown over it and found loads of grammar/spelling mistakes, which doesn't really look good on a major guide.
And in my opinion, the layout is terrible ... Making things look big does not equal in quality, try to keep the layout organized and simple, yet easy to use. Also try to write more on certain things - abstain from only writing one little sentence about something, elaborate about any possible bonus points/extras something might have! It looks much better that way.
Some pictures would've been nice as well - if you're gonna use Cake's/my layout, at least do it at an equal quality.

Even though this sounds rather negative, I haven't actually taken the time to properly read this yet, so I might give you more points I've noticed later on.

Still, I love the way you showed all the topics in the beginning.
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I knew you will kill me.Thanks for the last part.I'm not really that good in grammar.can tell me anything to change?
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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2011, 08:38:35 AM »
I knew you will kill me.Thanks for the last part.I'm not really that good in grammar.can tell me anything to change?
Nah it's alright lol, at least you gave credit for it.
As for change ... Write more! Elaborate! Tell anything that matters which you happen to know! Picturez! Less font size, more text size!

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2011, 03:43:32 PM »
Quick question:  When it comes to grenades, how many does one get over the course of an entire [10 wave] game, per map? 
lim ( Δ :trollface: -> 0 ) (:trollface: + Δ :trollface:)² + :trollface: = :trollface:

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2011, 03:45:25 PM »
1. OP is "away"
2. Nice bump
3. You start with 2 nades and can get more with ammo regen

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2011, 03:48:34 PM »
1. OP is "away"
2. Nice bump
3. You start with 2 nades and can get more with ammo regen

Please remain calm sir, he was asking a simplistic question within a thread that was and still is open to all users opinions.

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2011, 04:07:30 PM »
I'm just stating the facts, I didn't rage or get angry now did I?

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Re: ASDF's zs weapons and facts.
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 04:37:42 PM »
keyboard damage 15-30????

keyboard is like an axe... but faster.

S[hes] Br[ok]en