Author Topic: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta  (Read 483 times)

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Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
« Reply #105 on: April 09, 2011, 03:24:33 PM »
This is really stupid. Thread should be locked :/.
If bunnykilla wanted to hack, he would most likely get a hack that gives him an advantage on EVERY GAME MODE or a MORE COMMON GAME MODE. Why the fuck would someone go get a hack only for chimera hunt? It's stupid, if he had the intent on altering game play to his advantage he wouldn't get a hack that disallows a chimera to affect him. He would get some subtle aim or speed hack or something along those lines...

For the argument that it's a glitch and intentional, the only way to prevent it is leaving the game and now playing it what so ever, which is another stupid argument.

The whole argument keeps getting changed everytime someone proves your argument to be wrong and provides other information against it... I wonder why that is.

Just lock the report, I really don't see any bans or demotions necessary for this.

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Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2011, 03:28:36 PM »
Just lock the report, I really don't see any bans or demotions necessary for this.

This, everyone knows CH is buggy as fuck so i don't even know why this has been opened for so long...

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Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2011, 03:30:54 PM »
This, everyone knows CH is buggy as fuck so i don't even know why this has been opened for so long...
Xrain's been viewing the topic for a while, so I'm sure he's going to make a 3 paragraph long essay in reply to all of our comments and lock the thread or something along those lines soon.

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Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2011, 03:33:52 PM »
Xrain's been viewing the topic for a while, so I'm sure he's going to make a 3 paragraph long essay in reply to all of our comments and lock the thread or something along those lines soon.

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Oh god if Jim jumps in this should be good Lol

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Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
« Reply #109 on: April 09, 2011, 03:50:38 PM »
Alright first things first,

I myself have seen things happen that I could initially was the person cheating, but on further inspection I found it was just random lag/glitches on the servers part.

Garry's Mod programming wise could be best seen as a sprawling maze of conflicts, bugs, and general weirdness. The main problem being is new features are constantly stacked on-top of each other, and the engine behind it all doesn't always handle it well.

So try to be a bit more discerning when it comes to spotting hackers, and if your in doubt, just watch him over the course of a few days, or games or w/e. Chances are if it really is hacking it will happen relativly frequently.

Next, to BunnyKiller...

As far as pleading your case goes, calling someone thickheaded, even if you think it is true, does nothing to help your case. It just makes you look desperate.

I understand being accused of wrongdoing while being innocent is frustrating, but if you really want to be cleared of it, keeping a level head is one of the best things you can do.

We have warned you numerous times in the forums to take it down a notch, you have continually been abrasive to just about everyone on the forums.

So because you continually ignore our warnings, I'm going to let you take a break and think about things and ban you for a few days.

I'm not doing this so much as to punish you (as that wont really do anything) More to give you a heads up, that if you keep acting as you are, you are quickly going to wear out your welcome.

To the Original Poster,

I appreciate that you took the time to make a report, however the fact that you tell him "we aren't friends anymore" in the first few lines crosses the line a bit, as it does nothing but cloud the report with personal issues.

This is the reports section, adding things like that makes the report look more like a petty dig at the person your reporting, versus a legitimate case of abuse.

If you have personal issues with the person your reporting, that's totally up to you, but that being said leave your personal baggage at the door when you report someone. As all it does it complicate our jobs.

To everyone else,

Just try to remember at some point that we are playing games here, at some point it needs to be fun!  ;)
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