.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Bans (Read Only) => Report => Approved => Topic started by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:01:13 PM

Title: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:01:13 PM
To be honest, this is just bringing me sadness and (possibly) disappointment... :(

1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)

2. Players Nickname

3. Your in-game name

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)

5. Description of the event(s)
We were playing on UCH. I just came back from being AFK. As I walked around and spectating people playing, I saw something interesting. Bunnykilla was not effective from the UC's roar attack, tail whipping, AND being bitten. At first, I let it go. Second, I saw it happening again and I began to be suspicious of him. I observed for quite a few more moments until after a couple more rounds, I finally let it out ALONG with other people (witnesses that I will list later on). He denied it, but almost every active (people who actually talk in Fretta) people in the server also accused him of hacking. He said it was a "glitch". I said not. So after ANOTHER ROUND, it was happening again. This time, I was 80% sure that it wasn't a glitch. Tankbusters and along with the other few people starting accusing him with hacking. Bunny replied with the same answer; a glitch. However, after that he started to swear at people or anybody that called him an hacker. It was obvious he was denying it, and soon when it was about out of control, I globat chatted it. Many people replied with a "lol?" or even a "?". I didn't mind that, for I was going to post every evidence into this report...I'm sorry bunnykilla, but you just had to make me/us do this...

6. Reason for ban
Hacking + (disrespecting towards others?)

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
AGAIN: PLEASE WATCH THESE VIDEOS IN FULL SCREEN (Click the expanding arrows on the corner-right bottom of the video)
Xfire Videos:

The uneffective Bite + Roar
http://www.xfire.com/video/448548/ (http://www.xfire.com/video/448548/)

Biting + roar uneffective at COLONEL BUNNYKILLA
http://www.xfire.com/video/44854d/ (http://www.xfire.com/video/44854d/)

Me as a UC and looking from my point of view (ANY ATTACKS were uneffective)
Bunny is the Colonel who was standing in front of me the whole time in this video
http://www.xfire.com/video/448552/ (http://www.xfire.com/video/448552/)

"Wafflepiezz: Why did you leave?
bunnykilla: cause you were being a faggot
Wafflepiezz: -_-
Wafflepiezz: Swearing won't do anything man.
Wafflepiezz: It makes the situation worse
bunnykilla: this is what i mean
bunnykilla: i didnt hack
bunnykilla: quit being a whiny little bitch
Wafflepiezz: That wasn't a glitch.
Wafflepiezz: Don't deny it -_-
bunnykilla: theres nothin to deny
Wafflepiezz: You're denying that you hack
Wafflepiezz: -_-
bunnykilla: you know what
Wafflepiezz: Explain why it was a glitch
bunnykilla: im blocking you
Wafflepiezz: ...
Wafflepiezz: wow
Wafflepiezz: I will report then..
bunnykilla: go ahead
bunnykilla: queer
Wafflepiezz: I will
Wafflepiezz: My pleasure...
bunnykilla is now Offline.

8. Question(s) I wonder

-If it was a glitch, why didn't it happen to any OTHER people for the past couple months?

9. Witnesses
-Other people are featured chatting in the video

http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,5216.0.html (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,5216.0.html)

If this does anything, I think I may have saw him speedhacking for a little on deathrun...

I do not believe that was a glitch. If you have any questions, please ask and I will do my best to answer them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Carp on April 08, 2011, 10:09:28 PM
dunno, looks like lag to me.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:11:34 PM
dunno, looks like lag to me.
First video: 0:16
I held tabs for a second and it said he ping was about normal (122?). Also, sorry if the videos were kind of laggy >_>
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 10:15:57 PM
I was also a witness and everything that waffle has said is True, i dont believe it was lag, he had a normal ping and no one else was lagging,
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 08, 2011, 10:26:08 PM
Hasnt he been reported already? This is nearly the 3rd case we've had to deal with this player. Admins should review evidence and take care of this insect.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 10:30:18 PM
I no its at least the 2nd time.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:34:15 PM
Now that you guys mentioned it; yes I think this is the 2nd report or even more of bunnykilla...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 08, 2011, 10:44:31 PM
First video: 0:16
I held tabs for a second and it said he ping was about normal (122?).

ping =/= lagg...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:48:57 PM
ping =/= lagg...
Nobody said it was lag; including bunnykilla. He said it was a glitch and we said he was hacking. The server was NOT lagging either.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Cheesicle on April 08, 2011, 10:50:16 PM
"Wafflepiezz: Why did you leave?
bunnykilla: cause you were being a faggot
Wafflepiezz: -_-
Wafflepiezz: Swearing won't do anything man.
Wafflepiezz: It makes the situation worse
bunnykilla: this is what i mean
bunnykilla: i didnt hack
bunnykilla: quit being a whiny little bitch
Wafflepiezz: That wasn't a glitch.
Wafflepiezz: Don't deny it -_-
bunnykilla: theres nothin to deny
Wafflepiezz: You're denying that you hack
Wafflepiezz: -_-
bunnykilla: you know what
Wafflepiezz: Explain why it was a glitch
bunnykilla: im blocking you
Wafflepiezz: ...
Wafflepiezz: wow
Wafflepiezz: I will report then..
bunnykilla: go ahead
bunnykilla: queer
Wafflepiezz: I will
Wafflepiezz: My pleasure...
bunnykilla is now Offline.

Well I guess he's disrespectful? lol

"He said it was a 'glitch'."
Exploiting glitches?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 10:51:16 PM
I friggin love 2 things about this:
1. you used to be my friend. NOTE THE USED PART
2.i love how im getting reported cause of the worst gamemode in history.

Why do you think I would just stand there while you were biting me? If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time? And yes, I did cuss him out because he's being a total prick. The whole thing about "then why didnt it happen to other people?" It did. Tankbuster even said it was happining to him sometimes, but not as bad as me.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Cheesicle on April 08, 2011, 10:53:19 PM
I friggin love 2 things about this:
1. you used to be my friend. NOTE THE USED PART
2.i love how im getting reported cause of the worst gamemode in history.

Why do you think I would just stand there while you were biting me? If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time? And yes, I did cuss him out because he's being a total prick. The whole thing about "then why didnt it happen to other people?" It did. Tankbuster even said it was happining to him sometimes, but not as bad as me.

Okay, so if it was the "Worst gamemode in history" Why are you playing it?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 10:54:11 PM
We arnt being pricks, we are being responsible as good players. We suspected someone of hacking and are reporting it to keep other gaming expierience on Fretta fun and enjoyable, its our job.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 10:54:41 PM
Do you think I had a choice? When people start voting for that gamemode, everyone does. I was the only person still voting for surf.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 10:56:01 PM
I friggin love 2 things about this:
1. you used to be my friend. NOTE THE USED PART
2.i love how im getting reported cause of the worst gamemode in history.

Why do you think I would just stand there while you were biting me? If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time? And yes, I did cuss him out because he's being a total prick. The whole thing about "then why didnt it happen to other people?" It did. Tankbuster even said it was happining to him sometimes, but not as bad as me.
For your information, tankbusters said about something else not this kind of "glitch". He would be providing better information but he is offline at the moment.

"If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time?"

That's kind of ironic, because you DID get a bunch of people using that "glitch". You didn't even type kill in console and you didn't even stop "buttoning" UCs...so that basically proves nothing.
I also remember you telling us through the mic yourself saying "I love this glitch."

PS: It's also funny how you are subtracting almost every vital evidence I say on here.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 08, 2011, 10:56:54 PM
Nobody said it was lag

dunno, looks like lag to me.
First video: 0:16
I held tabs for a second and it said he ping was about normal (122?).
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 11:01:50 PM
For your information, tankbusters said about something else not this kind of "glitch". He would be providing better information but he is offline at the moment.

"If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time?"

That's kind of ironic, because you DID get a bunch of people using that "glitch". You didn't even type kill in console and you didn't even stop "buttoning" UCs...so that basically proves nothing.
I also remember you telling us through the mic yourself saying "I love this glitch."
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:02:25 PM
Ok, tell me if this is ironic:

I have no other in-game reports for any other gamemode or server BUT the gamemode thats everyone says is broken?
Sounds kinda wierd to me.

For your information, tankbusters said about something else not this kind of "glitch". He would be providing better information but he is offline at the moment.

"If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time?"

That's kind of ironic, because you DID get a bunch of people using that "glitch". You didn't even type kill in console and you didn't even stop "buttoning" UCs...so that basically proves nothing.
I also remember you telling us through the mic yourself saying "I love this glitch."

PS: It's also funny how you are subtracting almost every vital evidence I say on here.

Exactly my point. It was a glitch.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 11:04:41 PM
For your information, tankbusters said about something else not this kind of "glitch". He would be providing better information but he is offline at the moment.

"If I was hacking, don't you think I would have gotten you every time?"

That's kind of ironic, because you DID get a bunch of people using that "glitch". You didn't even type kill in console and you didn't even stop "buttoning" UCs...so that basically proves nothing.
I also remember you telling us through the mic yourself saying "I love this glitch."

PS: It's also funny how you are subtracting almost every vital evidence I say on here.

I say we have well enough GOOD evidence here, nd enough "coincidences" commited by bunny, I.E. subtracting the evidence we have, is enough to get him at least on close watch.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:07:07 PM
Go ahead. Watch me closely. When your watching my demo, hit ESC and it will tell you what console stuff I have been doin. NONE.
Also, when you do record in console, It records your screen exactly how it is. If I had hacks, it would show up.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:08:25 PM
Go ahead. Watch me closely. When your watching my demo, hit ESC and it will tell you what console stuff I have been doin. NONE.
Also, when you do record in console, It records your screen exactly how it is. If I had hacks, it would show up.
Ooooh not to mention you also told us something about turning something off then the "glitch", turned off. But afterwards, it seemed as it was turned "on" again.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 11:09:21 PM
Go ahead. Watch me closely. When your watching my demo, hit ESC and it will tell you what console stuff I have been doin. NONE.
Also, when you do record in console, It records your screen exactly how it is. If I had hacks, it would show up.
On some hacks you can turn on the HUD and any water marks that come up, i know i used to be really into hacking, but im straight edge now.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:09:41 PM
On some hacks you can turn on the HUD and any water marks that come up, i know i used to be really into hacking, but im straight edge now.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:12:22 PM
Ooooh not to mention you also told us something about turning something off then the "glitch", turned off. But afterwards, it seemed as it was turned "on" again.

k so we can make up evidence now?
I said "See, that time it affected me."
edit//  I said that right after the UC yelled and I was affected.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:14:35 PM
k so we can make up evidence now?
I said "See, that time it affected me."
edit//  I said that right after the UC yelled and I was affected.
And right when you said that, a crowd of people accused you of turning off your hacks including me.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 11:16:05 PM
k so we can make up evidence now?
I said "See, that time it affected me."
edit//  I said that right after the UC yelled and I was affected.
Your just digging yourself deeper, and continuing to waste everyones time.
You know that, don't you?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:18:05 PM
"You know I'm not hacking?
You know that, don't you?"

As I said earlier, UCH is the gayest game on the face of the planet. If I was going to hack, don't you think I'd do it on  a GOOD gamemode like TTT?
I don't have any reports in TTT.
Or ANY other in-game "matter" on that note.

Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:20:39 PM
"You know I'm not hacking?
You know that, don't you?"

As I said earlier, UCH is the gayest game on the face of the planet. If I was going to hack, don't you think I'd do it on  a GOOD gamemode like TTT?
I don't have any reports in TTT.
Or ANY other in-game "matter" on that note.
We will see about that. There were 5+ witnesses; they're just asleep at the moment.
And nope. I've seen hackers who hacked on Fretta and I've reported them and got them banned.
Also, if you say you don't hack, why did you leave and not stand your ground in Fretta? Or were you getting caught red handed in hacking that you decided to leave and cuss/swear out everyone?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Forgotten420 on April 08, 2011, 11:21:21 PM
No i very strongly believe that you are and/or were hacking, and as for your TTT comment, no some people are just odd and think maybe playing a bad game mode hacking and blaming it on physics or a glitch, its a good plan, but we'r not dumb.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:25:19 PM
We will see about that. There were 5+ witnesses; they're just asleep at the moment.
And nope. I've seen hackers who hacked on Fretta and I've reported them and got them banned.
Also, if you say you don't hack, why did you leave and not stand your ground in Fretta? Or were you getting caught red handed in hacking that you decided to leave and cuss/swear out everyone?

1. I left cause I got the evidence I need to prove myself innocent, and partially rage quitted.
2. You wanna know why I didn't stand my ground? It's because every time I said something there was always a "You know your just wasting people's time, right? We all know your hacking." SO I couldn't even get a word in.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:28:14 PM
1. I left cause I got the evidence I need to prove myself innocent, and partially rage quitted.
2. You wanna know why I didn't stand my ground? It's because every time I said something there was always a "You know your just wasting people's time, right? We all know your hacking." SO I couldn't even get a word in.
It's clear that you might be denying it...so now I will let the witnesses tomorrow to come in a talk about it. That includes Tankbusters, Broski, and a whole crowd of Guests.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Carp on April 08, 2011, 11:30:27 PM
First video: 0:16
I held tabs for a second and it said he ping was about normal (122?). Also, sorry if the videos were kind of laggy >_>

server lag is different than ping.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:31:29 PM

server lag is different than ping.
Well, nobody experienced any kind lags at all...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:34:00 PM
I hate myself right now.
When I started gmod to try out hldj for the first time, there were 15 people in TTT and 15 people in fretta.
Why didn't I choose TTT. I wouldn't have lost a friend, I wouldn't have been reported right now, and I wouln't have had to cuss at people for being accused of hacking. Can we just remove this gamemode anyways? Its worst than a pile of shit.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:35:16 PM
I hate myself right now.
When I started gmod to try out hldj for the first time, there were 15 people in TTT and 15 people in fretta.
Why didn't I choose TTT. I wouldn't have lost a friend, I wouldn't have been reported right now, and I wouln't have had to cuss at people for being accused of hacking. Can we just remove this gamemode anyways? Its worst than a pile of shit.
Well, the Chimera Hunt only ruins the server's Physics; nothing else.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:36:47 PM
Well, the Chimera Hunt only ruins the server's Physics; nothing else.

Wasn't GMod made with physics as a key point? Something he wanted to make realistic? And doesn't EVERY other gamemode use physics in 1 way or another.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 08, 2011, 11:38:05 PM
Wasn't GMod made with physics as a key point? Something he wanted to make realistic? And doesn't EVERY other gamemode use physics in 1 way or another.
Yes, but let's not digress now...
Anyways, can the Moderators/Admins leave this case open for a couple more days for a few more witnesses to reply?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 08, 2011, 11:43:50 PM
OR, you can look at my side of the story (the demo's) as I did yours, so you can see i'm not hacking
All the proof you need is right when I say "See, I was affected by it this time" hit escape, look at console, realize I didn't turn hacks off, then realize I'm not hacking at all.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 09:13:31 AM
OR, you can look at my side of the story (the demo's) as I did yours, so you can see i'm not hacking
All the proof you need is right when I say "See, I was affected by it this time" hit escape, look at console, realize I didn't turn hacks off, then realize I'm not hacking at all.
I could not open your demo/files and view them.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 09:27:52 AM
It really doesn't look like hacking to me.
I have never seen a hack that does that either.
Bunny's attitude really pisses me off though.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: cogsandspigots on April 09, 2011, 09:39:19 AM
[/flame war]

Bunnykilla, just defend your ground without insulting other members, kthnx.

Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Supertoaster on April 09, 2011, 09:54:58 AM
It really doesn't look like hacking to me.
I have never seen a hack that does that either.
Bunny's attitude really pisses me off though.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 10:03:00 AM
It really doesn't look like hacking to me.
I have never seen a hack that does that either.
Bunny's attitude really pisses me off though.
That's what hackers want you to think :S...anyways, let the witnesses reply and we will see now...it appears that myself setting this case does not convince you guys enough...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Awesome Vero on April 09, 2011, 10:09:57 AM
I will say that Bunnykilla was hacking. i roared at him 3 times on UCH and bit him 4 times. his ping was down to 99 and there was no lag. explain that one.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 10:25:50 AM
I will say that Bunnykilla was hacking. i roared at him 3 times on UCH and bit him 4 times. his ping was down to 99 and there was no lag. explain that one.
Everyone already has.
The game mode is glitchy, ping doesn't determine lag, and it was most likely not a hack...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 10:29:28 AM
Everyone already has.
The game mode is glitchy, ping doesn't determine lag, and it was most likely not a hack...
IF it was a glitch, why did it keep happening to him and it stopped immediately when people started to accuse him of hacking? The props are only glitchy, not the people.
(Sorry if I seem like a total Investigating guy to you guys >_<)

Also, if it was a glitch, why didn't bunnykilla type kill in console to stop this "glitch", rather than keep buttoning more UCs.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 09, 2011, 10:32:06 AM
Well he said things like quuer so im going to pull the gaycard because im gay and take that to offense especialy calling waffle (who is not gay) a queer and fagget. so lets just +1 for racism and +1 for hacking.  k thnx demote
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 10:43:55 AM
IF it was a glitch, why did it keep happening to him and it stopped immediately when people started to accuse him of hacking? The props are only glitchy, not the people.
(Sorry if I seem like a total Investigating guy to you guys >_<)

Also, if it was a glitch, why didn't bunnykilla type kill in console to stop this "glitch", rather than keep buttoning more UCs.
That made no sense.
It's a coincidence, the game mode is really glitchy, it happens.
People need to quit complaining when they lose at a game.

Also Goat, that isn't racism...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 09, 2011, 10:47:11 AM
Oh right. Hateness or uh predjudice? Hell idk but im pretty sure if saying "stupid russian" and calling a staight a queer are pretty similar.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 10:47:22 AM
That made no sense.
It's a coincidence, the game mode is really glitchy, it happens.
People need to quit complaining when they lose at a game.

Also Goat, that isn't racism...
So you're saying after all these months, ever since the props started to get messed up and constant DDOS, you're telling me that it was a glitch without any explaination of how the glitch was caused either? o_o
I also believe, that DID make sense...maybe you just read too fast.
Also, how did "People need to quit complaining when they lose at a game." came here? I'm reporting for hacking, not about losing in a game; did you even watch my video? >_>

I believe that the gamemode's props were glitchy. The pigmasks (players) aren't glitchy by any reasons at all.

Speaking of explaination, could an admin look through the chat logs and overview it too? That would provide more information during the incident...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 10:59:19 AM
IF it was a glitch, why did it keep happening to him and it stopped immediately when people started to accuse him of hacking? The props are only glitchy, not the people.
(Sorry if I seem like a total Investigating guy to you guys >_<)

Also, if it was a glitch, why didn't bunnykilla type kill in console to stop this "glitch", rather than keep buttoning more UCs.
First off, it DIDN'T stop. You cant stop a glitch and I did type kill in console. I only "buttoned" 3 before I realized that I wasn't dieng then I stopped and just stood there.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:00:26 AM
First off, it DIDN'T stop. You cant stop a glitch and I did type kill in console. I only "buttoned" 3 before I realized that I wasn't dieng then I stopped and just stood there.
Okay what? You told me the glitch stopped at a specific moment and now you're saying the glitch didn't stop? And like I said, we need an admin to check the logs to see if you even DID type "kill" in the console.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Viole on April 09, 2011, 11:02:53 AM
Im pretty new at this, but i am sure i saw him hacking. He also cursed in a multitude of ways. When everyone knew he was hacking, he must have turned it off because he was then affected by the roar. Then, the next round, he most likely turned them back on because nobody could kill him. Anyone that was UC when he was in the server knows that hes a hacker.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:03:16 AM
No, I never said it stopped. I only said twice when I was affected by the roar "See, that time it affected me".
Also, I love how you didnt record any vids of me while I was UC. There were some people my roar didn't affect either and I got "buttoned" a couple of times.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:04:38 AM
No, I never said it stopped. I only said twice when I was affected by the roar "See, that time it affected me". Also, I love how you didnt record any vids of me while I was UC. There were some people my roar didn't affect either and I got "buttoned" a couple of times.
How come you said that WHEN it affected you but you barely said anything during the "glitch"?

Of course it didn't affect you as a UC. And I did not see anybody else having this "glitch". If there were some people that weren't affected, you would of said it in chat OR other people would point it out which nobody did.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:06:42 AM
I did, at first. I said "man I love this glitch!"  Then I just stopped saying stuff and stood there cause I thought it was funny.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:08:32 AM
I did, at first. I said "man I love this glitch!"  Then I just stopped saying stuff and stood there cause I thought it was funny.
That is very suspicious if you thought this "glitch" was funny and if you loved it.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:10:08 AM
That is very suspicious if you thought this "glitch" was funny and if you loved it.

Well, I did think the glitch was funny.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:10:39 AM
Well, I did think the glitch was funny.
Hm? How so?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:11:40 AM
Do I have to write it out for you.......
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:12:19 AM
Do I have to write it out for you.......
So you don't want to prove that you are innocent?

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Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:13:16 AM
So you don't want to prove that you are innocent?

So I guess I do.

hurr durr I think it was funny because the gamemode was broken.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:14:22 AM

So I guess I do.

hurr durr I think it was funny because the gamemode was broken.
What kind of explaination is that?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:14:53 AM
To why I think it's funny.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:17:16 AM
To why I think it's funny.
It seems as if I caught a bunny...You can't vindicate from this case that easily you know?
Oh by the way, I was pointing out that you are not being oblique enough in these posts.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 11:23:28 AM
Ur funny. I wish I could say that.
You know what? How about a deal. I wasn't hacking, and I won't evar come back to fretta. All the new gamemodes are bad anyways.
I will just stick with TTT where I have no rediculous reports.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 11:24:08 AM
So you're saying after all these months, ever since the props started to get messed up and constant DDOS, you're telling me that it was a glitch without any explaination of how the glitch was caused either? o_o
I also believe, that DID make sense...maybe you just read too fast.
Also, how did "People need to quit complaining when they lose at a game." came here? I'm reporting for hacking, not about losing in a game; did you even watch my video? >_>

I believe that the gamemode's props were glitchy. The pigmasks (players) aren't glitchy by any reasons at all.

Speaking of explaination, could an admin look through the chat logs and overview it too? That would provide more information during the incident...
No, the game mode has been very glitchy recently, I don't have to have an explanation to know that.
I believe scripting something to make a player invincible in one game mode is probably one of the harder things to script, and I have never seen it before, and find it incredibly unlikely that he has a hack for it.

The part about the complaining about losing at a game is not necessarily directed at you, but more so to the people who just made an account on the forum to complain about this and repeat what you have said in nothing man than a sentence.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:27:01 AM
No, the game mode has been very glitchy recently, I don't have to have an explanation to know that.
I believe scripting something to make a player invincible in one game mode is probably one of the harder things to script, and I have never seen it before, and find it incredibly unlikely that he has a hack for it.

The part about the complaining about losing at a game is not necessarily directed at you, but more so to the people who just made an account on the forum to complain about this and repeat what you have said in nothing man than a sentence.
Your first mini paragraph: Yes, it CAN be scripted but it is fairly hard. So yes, it is possible to hack in a glitched gamemode.

Your second mini paragraph: I see. But they are witnesses. Witnesses are vital to investigators, FBIs, Police, etc...that's where the evidences are from.

Ur funny. I wish I could say that.
You know what? How about a deal. I wasn't hacking, and I won't evar come back to fretta. All the new gamemodes are bad anyways.
I will just stick with TTT where I have no rediculous reports.
That's a really informative way to end your case...and if you think the server's gamemodes suck, then go away.

PS - I go on TTT quite often too. And "no rediculous reports"? You will get that...for now. It's funny, I'm also handling another case in TTT that it not finished yet either...the suspect stopped logging on for a few days.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Prox on April 09, 2011, 11:32:35 AM
Witnesses are vital to investigators, FBIs, Police, etc...that's where the evidences are from.
Yeah, but this is a game so witnesses have to be trusted by the community or there should be alot
of them.
Since most of the players doesn't care about each other anyways ...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 11:33:11 AM
Your first mini paragraph: Yes, it CAN be scripted but it is fairly hard. So yes, it is possible to hack in a glitched gamemode.

Your second mini paragraph: I see. But they are witnesses. Witnesses are vital to investigators, FBIs, Police, etc...that's where the evidences are from.
That's a really informative way to end your case...and if you think the server's gamemodes suck, then go away.

PS - I go on TTT quite often too. And "no rediculous reports"? You will get that...for now.
First off, this is quite far from an FBI investigation. But seeing as you're going to use that as an example...
Witnesses purposes are to mainly share new information to help understand what happened, not to repeat OP and constantly restate the same argument over and over and fucking over again.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:33:49 AM
Yeah, but this is a game so witnesses have to be trusted by the community or there should be alot
of them.
Since most of the players doesn't care about each other anyways ...
Your last sentence is one of the reasons why this world is acting this way >_>...Sorry if I digressed...back to the topic.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 11:34:45 AM
Your last sentence is one of the reasons why this world is acting this way >_>...Sorry if I digressed...back to the topic.
That made less sense than Jman's grandma's sideways penis.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:35:37 AM
First off, this is quite far from an FBI investigation. But seeing as you're going to use that as an example...
Witnesses purposes are to mainly share new information to help understand what happened, not to repeat OP and constantly restate the same argument over and over and fucking over again.
Well, you have a point. However, the witnesses may have seen the incident happened in different ways or even the same way. In this case, the witnesses witnessed what I saw as well.
That made less sense than Jman's grandma's sideways penis.
Lol, I was implying that countries and alot of people in this world can't get along fairly well...like racism, prejudice, etc.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Prox on April 09, 2011, 11:35:41 AM
Your last sentence is one of the reasons why this world is acting this way >_>...Sorry if I digressed...back to the topic.
I'm sure that everyone in real life acts much more mature then ingame.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:37:52 AM
Wow, we all digressed lol ._.

Now where was I...

Oh this. As you guys could see, bunnykilla has gave up on this case and his 2nd to last resort was to not play or even bother with Fretta now...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 09, 2011, 11:39:04 AM
Well, you have a point. However, the witnesses may have seen the incident happened in different ways or even the same way. In this case, the witnesses witnessed what I saw as well.Lol, I was implying that countries and alot of people in this world can't get along fairly well...like racism, prejudice, etc.

witnesses have to be creditable.

random people sign up to agree with you =/= creditable.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: somerandomguy09 on April 09, 2011, 11:42:31 AM
You all sound like children fighting over candy O_O

(i watched the demos btw)

im just going to reiterate what sabbath and some others have already said... it doesnt really look like he's hacking and that UCH has been a shithead lately

off topic

@goat bunny wasnt using "queer" in the context of discrimnating against homosexuals (rather it was him just raging....)

@bunny I love you man your a cool TTT whore but you've GOT TO STOP RAGING THE MOMENT PEOPLE SAY SHIT its not healthy nor does it help you cause you get people like goat...

@waffle I think your a pretty cool guy your fun and obiously are passionate about the rules BUT ive noticed latley that youve filed a good amount of reports latley; i dont know your intentions and I DO believe its a good thing BUT you can't just be too off the gun like sabbath said CHANCES are that bunny wasn't hacking (i highly doubt bunny has the skills to script something like that anyway)

I really don't know bunny's track record when it comes to hacking but i do know that he has a tendency to rage a little which may make him appear to be defensive i say lock this report and leave the ADMINS/VIP's keep an eye on him as it is them who it is their DUTY (not us guest/reg though we can help only so much)


@waffle for your response on witnesses and fbi THIS IS A GAME AND WITNESSES NEED TO BE CREDIBLE
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:43:11 AM
witnesses have to be creditable.

random people sign up to agree with you =/= creditable.
They're not random people, they're my friends o_O

I know I've been reporting alot lately. It seems that hackers/glitchers always pop up when I'm around o_O...but yes. Bunny has concluded his case but I still have a couple more evidence/questions; I'll leave it to the admins to decide now.

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Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 11:46:05 AM
They're not random people, they're my friends o_O
Even better, they're repeating what you say and doing what you say because they're your friends.
You aren't helping your point so much.
Also, just because people saw what you saw, doesn't mean that what you THINK you saw/ what you THINK happened actually happened.
You saw that he didn't get affected by the chimera, they saw the same.
Doesn't mean he's hacking.
As I have already said, games glitch a lot. Chimera hunt glitches a lot. Shit happens, doesn't mean he's hacking.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention, I did watch the first demo before replying, and understood where the report was heading at and didn't feel a need to see the same thing over again 2 more times. If there's some critical information that I missed in the other demos, I'm sure I could go back and watch them, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 11:47:53 AM
Even better, they're repeating what you say and doing what you say because they're your friends.
You aren't helping your point so much.
Also, just because people saw what you saw, doesn't mean that what you THINK you saw/ what you THINK happened actually happened.
You saw that he didn't get affected by the chimera, they saw the same.
Doesn't mean he's hacking.
As I have already said, games glitch a lot. Chimera hunt glitches a lot. Shit happens, doesn't mean he's hacking.
If you were a witness then you would understand 100% better of what happened, etc...Anyways, leave it to the admins now.

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Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 09, 2011, 11:50:49 AM
They're not random people, they're my friends o_O

Thats even worse. they all have bias opinions.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 11:52:22 AM
If you were a witness then you would understand 100% better of what happened, etc...Anyways, leave it to the admins now.

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>implying that the physics are the only thing that can be glitched
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 09, 2011, 12:03:42 PM
@some randomguy
if i were to say "nigger" or "chink" out of rage would that make it any less hurtful? how bout i rage and say "beaner" to a mexican its ok im raging it doesnt hurt anyones feeling or anything.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 12:05:51 PM
@some randomguy
if i were to say "nigger" or "chink" out of rage would that make it any less hurtful? how bout i rage and say "beaner" to a mexican its ok im raging it doesnt hurt anyones feeling or anything.
He isn't going to be banned for saying "queer". It's disrespectful, sure, but you're blowing it out of proportion.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: somerandomguy09 on April 09, 2011, 12:09:25 PM
@some randomguy
if i were to say "nigger" or "chink" out of rage would that make it any less hurtful? how bout i rage and say "beaner" to a mexican its ok im raging it doesnt hurt anyones feeling or anything.

im saying that he wasn't using the word queer in a discriminate context

yelling fag at a homosexual & yelling fag at somebody that just crashed into your car are two different things...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 09, 2011, 12:13:34 PM
He isn't going to be banned for saying "queer". It's disrespectful, sure, but you're blowing it out of proportion.
You are right sabbath but i didnt want a ban i wanted a demotion because this was his second time hes been rascist to people

randomguy>> enlighten me on how they are different? i can call a guy nigger for crashing into my car but not a black dude?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: somerandomguy09 on April 09, 2011, 12:27:54 PM
You are right sabbath but i didnt want a ban i wanted a demotion because this was his second time hes been rascist to people

randomguy>> enlighten me on how they are different? i can call a guy nigger for crashing into my car but not a black dude?

regardless if the guy is black or not its the CONNOTATION he's not calling the guy a nigger because he's black or not he's using it in the context that the guy was being an idiot NOT as racial slang

the reaction the man chooses is what your arguing

as you said earlier "your pulling a gay card" so rather than deriving his meaning from idiot or arrogant (though there are better words to use other than queer) you decided to be ignorant and use it as and invalid point in waffles argument  and take it as a discriminary term

i will not be dragged any deeper into this argument though so think what you wish and keep what i said in mind

(watching a little south park may help [for those who watch southpark i hope you know what im refrencing xD] )
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Goat on April 09, 2011, 12:36:35 PM
That's So Gay - Wanda Sykes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS0GVOQPs0&feature=related#)
you may actually learn something from this after all.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: HellSin on April 09, 2011, 12:44:37 PM
Someone tell me this whole situation in a tldr format.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: ursus on April 09, 2011, 12:45:27 PM
You had a choice in playing the gamemode, it's not like you were welded to your computer seat and forced to play chimera hunt.

In addition to that, even if he wasn't hacking, glitching is still a ban. We've had enough problems already.

Someone tell me this whole situation in a tldr format.

Bunnykilla was glitching/hacking in fretta, and now it's a flame thread.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: somerandomguy09 on April 09, 2011, 12:48:35 PM

like i said

in my earlier post Bunny could have chosen better words to use

trust me he is in the wrong on that one its just your reaction i dont like (instead of taking it on the stride you decided to get upset thats all...)
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 12:49:41 PM
You had a choice in playing the gamemode, it's not like you were welded to your computer seat and forced to play chimera hunt.

In addition to that, even if he wasn't hacking, glitching is still a ban. We've had enough problems already.

Bunnykilla was glitching/hacking in fretta, and now it's a flame thread.
So what happened when I was gone, leaving this to the admins? A flame war...anyways, so glitching is still a ban...So bunnykilla is going to get banned or demoted?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 12:53:16 PM
You had a choice in playing the gamemode, it's not like you were welded to your computer seat and forced to play chimera hunt.

In addition to that, even if he wasn't hacking, glitching is still a ban. We've had enough problems already.

Bunnykilla was glitching/hacking in fretta, and now it's a flame thread.
>implying the glitch was intentional...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 12:54:22 PM
>implying the glitch was intentional...
It was...or was it even a "glitch"?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 12:55:37 PM
It was...or was it even a glitch?
I don't see how you could possibly intentionally glitch the entire game mode do that the chimera can't harm you...
It was an error in the game mode, NOT AN INTENTIONAL GLITCH OR HACK, from what I see.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 01:18:32 PM
I don't see how you could possibly intentionally glitch the entire game mode do that the chimera can't harm you...
It was an error in the game mode, NOT AN INTENTIONAL GLITCH OR HACK, from what I see.
From what you see in the demos...but if you witnessed it 1st handed, you would think it was a hack too. And also, let the admins decide for the last time -_-
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: ursus on April 09, 2011, 01:29:27 PM
If bunnykilla let the glitch happen and didn't do anything about it, that's intentional in my opinion.

If you get stuck in the elevator in ttt_whitehouse by accident, and you sit there and hold up the round instead of killing yourself, you can't say the glitch "wasn't intentional". That's an error in the map, right?
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 01:42:34 PM
If bunnykilla let the glitch happen and didn't do anything about it, that's intentional in my opinion.

If you get stuck in the elevator in ttt_whitehouse by accident, and you sit there and hold up the round instead of killing yourself, you can't say the glitch "wasn't intentional". That's an error in the map, right?

That is what I was trying to say to Sabbath...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 01:48:02 PM
Wow, we all digressed lol ._.

Now where was I...

Oh this. As you guys could see, bunnykilla has gave up on this case and his 2nd to last resort was to not play or even bother with Fretta now...

I gave up on this case because you have a thick skull and won't even think about it being a glitch.

You had a choice in playing the gamemode, it's not like you were welded to your computer seat and forced to play chimera hunt.

In addition to that, even if he wasn't hacking, glitching is still a ban. We've had enough problems already.

Bunnykilla was glitching/hacking in fretta, and now it's a flame thread.

Yea, I used a hack to glitch the server to make me invincible.
I didn't purposely glitch in it. It just..... happened.....
I can't really explain it.

If bunnykilla let the glitch happen and didn't do anything about it, that's intentional in my opinion.

If you get stuck in the elevator in ttt_whitehouse by accident, and you sit there and hold up the round instead of killing yourself, you can't say the glitch "wasn't intentional". That's an error in the map, right?

Well what was I supposed to do then? Put yourself in my situation. I tried killing myself and letting the thing kill me and nothing happened.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: ursus on April 09, 2011, 01:50:18 PM
I gave up on this case because you have a thick skull and won't even think about it being a glitch.

I didn't purposely glitch in it. It just..... happened.....
I can't really explain it.
Well what was I supposed to do then? Put yourself in my situation. I tried killing myself and letting the thing kill me and nothing happened.

Insulting people will get you nowhere.
So what you're trying to tell me is, you typed "kill" in console, pressed enter, and nothing happened? I find that extremely hard to believe.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on April 09, 2011, 01:57:10 PM
Insulting people will get you nowhere.
So what you're trying to tell me is, you typed "kill" in console, pressed enter, and nothing happened? I find that extremely hard to believe.

No, it killed me but it didn't fix the glitch. And yes, I'm sorry for using the word "queer", but he is one but it seems believable that I would rage when someone accuses me of hacking.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 09, 2011, 03:00:30 PM
No, it killed me but it didn't fix the glitch. And yes, I'm sorry for using the word "queer", but he is one but it seems believable that I would rage when someone accuses me of hacking.
You are also giving me minus karma on EVERY good post I post on here -_-. Swearing makes the situation worse.

All your 1-3 sentences and false posts still does not convince me/others that it was a glitch.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 03:17:19 PM
If bunnykilla let the glitch happen and didn't do anything about it, that's intentional in my opinion.

If you get stuck in the elevator in ttt_whitehouse by accident, and you sit there and hold up the round instead of killing yourself, you can't say the glitch "wasn't intentional". That's an error in the map, right?
Do you expect him to just leave and not play the game because of it?
That's the only way to prevent it...

Also, Waffle get used to it. He -1's any post that disagrees with him and vice versa.
Also, bunny, don't take this all as I'm trying to defend you, I think you should be banned, but not for this scenario. I just want people to come to some sense here, so quit +1'ing every one of my posts :/.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 09, 2011, 03:18:35 PM
All your 1-3 sentences and false posts still does not convince me/others that it was a glitch.

Really? seems to me all VIPS think its glitch only people who made a forum account today seem to think its hacking..

Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: ursus on April 09, 2011, 03:23:14 PM
Eh. If it's absolutely positive that the glitch couldn't be avoided, then the thread needs a lock, and chimera  hunt needs to be removed.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 03:24:33 PM
This is really stupid. Thread should be locked :/.
If bunnykilla wanted to hack, he would most likely get a hack that gives him an advantage on EVERY GAME MODE or a MORE COMMON GAME MODE. Why the fuck would someone go get a hack only for chimera hunt? It's stupid, if he had the intent on altering game play to his advantage he wouldn't get a hack that disallows a chimera to affect him. He would get some subtle aim or speed hack or something along those lines...

For the argument that it's a glitch and intentional, the only way to prevent it is leaving the game and now playing it what so ever, which is another stupid argument.

The whole argument keeps getting changed everytime someone proves your argument to be wrong and provides other information against it... I wonder why that is.

Just lock the report, I really don't see any bans or demotions necessary for this.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 09, 2011, 03:28:36 PM
Just lock the report, I really don't see any bans or demotions necessary for this.

This, everyone knows CH is buggy as fuck so i don't even know why this has been opened for so long...
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Sabb on April 09, 2011, 03:30:54 PM
This, everyone knows CH is buggy as fuck so i don't even know why this has been opened for so long...
Xrain's been viewing the topic for a while, so I'm sure he's going to make a 3 paragraph long essay in reply to all of our comments and lock the thread or something along those lines soon.
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Shawn on April 09, 2011, 03:33:52 PM
Xrain's been viewing the topic for a while, so I'm sure he's going to make a 3 paragraph long essay in reply to all of our comments and lock the thread or something along those lines soon.

Shawn, jimonions, Xrain, Carp and 0 Guests are viewing this topic.

Oh god if Jim jumps in this should be good Lol
Title: Re: Bunnykilla Hacking on Fretta
Post by: Xrain on April 09, 2011, 03:50:38 PM
Alright first things first,

I myself have seen things happen that I could initially was the person cheating, but on further inspection I found it was just random lag/glitches on the servers part.

Garry's Mod programming wise could be best seen as a sprawling maze of conflicts, bugs, and general weirdness. The main problem being is new features are constantly stacked on-top of each other, and the engine behind it all doesn't always handle it well.

So try to be a bit more discerning when it comes to spotting hackers, and if your in doubt, just watch him over the course of a few days, or games or w/e. Chances are if it really is hacking it will happen relativly frequently.

Next, to BunnyKiller...

As far as pleading your case goes, calling someone thickheaded, even if you think it is true, does nothing to help your case. It just makes you look desperate.

I understand being accused of wrongdoing while being innocent is frustrating, but if you really want to be cleared of it, keeping a level head is one of the best things you can do.

We have warned you numerous times in the forums to take it down a notch, you have continually been abrasive to just about everyone on the forums.

So because you continually ignore our warnings, I'm going to let you take a break and think about things and ban you for a few days.

I'm not doing this so much as to punish you (as that wont really do anything) More to give you a heads up, that if you keep acting as you are, you are quickly going to wear out your welcome.

To the Original Poster,

I appreciate that you took the time to make a report, however the fact that you tell him "we aren't friends anymore" in the first few lines crosses the line a bit, as it does nothing but cloud the report with personal issues.

This is the reports section, adding things like that makes the report look more like a petty dig at the person your reporting, versus a legitimate case of abuse.

If you have personal issues with the person your reporting, that's totally up to you, but that being said leave your personal baggage at the door when you report someone. As all it does it complicate our jobs.

To everyone else,

Just try to remember at some point that we are playing games here, at some point it needs to be fun!  ;)