To be honest, this is just bringing me sadness and (possibly) disappointment...

1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
5. Description of the event(s)
We were playing on UCH. I just came back from being AFK. As I walked around and spectating people playing, I saw something interesting. Bunnykilla was not effective from the UC's roar attack, tail whipping, AND being bitten. At first, I let it go. Second, I saw it happening again and I began to be suspicious of him. I observed for quite a few more moments until after a couple more rounds, I finally let it out ALONG with other people (witnesses that I will list later on). He denied it, but almost every active (people who actually talk in Fretta) people in the server also accused him of hacking. He said it was a "glitch". I said not. So after ANOTHER ROUND, it was happening again. This time, I was 80% sure that it wasn't a glitch. Tankbusters and along with the other few people starting accusing him with hacking. Bunny replied with the same answer; a glitch. However, after that he started to swear at people or anybody that called him an hacker. It was obvious he was denying it, and soon when it was about out of control, I globat chatted it. Many people replied with a "lol?" or even a "?". I didn't mind that, for I was going to post every evidence into this report...I'm sorry bunnykilla, but you just had to make me/us do this...
6. Reason for ban
Hacking + (disrespecting towards others?)
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
AGAIN: PLEASE WATCH THESE VIDEOS IN FULL SCREEN (Click the expanding arrows on the corner-right bottom of the video)Xfire Videos:
The uneffective Bite + Roar + roar uneffective at COLONEL BUNNYKILLA as a UC and looking from my point of view (ANY ATTACKS were uneffective)
Bunny is the Colonel who was standing in front of me the whole time in this video AFTERWARDS WHEN EVERYBODY KNOWS HE IS HACKING"Wafflepiezz: Why did you leave?
bunnykilla: cause you were being a faggot
Wafflepiezz: -_-
Wafflepiezz: Swearing won't do anything man.
Wafflepiezz: It makes the situation worse
bunnykilla: this is what i mean
bunnykilla: i didnt hack
bunnykilla: quit being a whiny little bitch
Wafflepiezz: That wasn't a glitch.
Wafflepiezz: Don't deny it -_-
bunnykilla: theres nothin to deny
Wafflepiezz: You're denying that you hack
Wafflepiezz: -_-
bunnykilla: you know what
Wafflepiezz: Explain why it was a glitch
bunnykilla: im blocking you
Wafflepiezz: ...
Wafflepiezz: wow
Wafflepiezz: I will report then..
bunnykilla: go ahead
bunnykilla: queer
Wafflepiezz: I will
Wafflepiezz: My pleasure...
bunnykilla is now Offline.
8. Question(s) I wonder
-If it was a glitch, why didn't it happen to any OTHER people for the past couple
months?9. Witnesses
-Other people are featured chatting in the video
If this does anything, I think I may have saw him speedhacking for a little on deathrun...
I do not believe that was a glitch. If you have any questions, please ask and I will do my best to answer them.
PS - I heard his giggles in the background when he was talking in the mic about this.