Do you lack the ability to read and understand rules? If so, 
Now then, the man replies by saying that he was headed to San Francisco, and was going to stop by LA on the way. Before you can ask him another question, you feel a sharp pain and you vision goes black. You wake up tied in the back seat of a van. As you come to your senses, the back of your head really hurts. You see a road sign above you that is the same street the package delivery was supposed to happen. You see that the ropes that bind you are not expertly tied and could be loosened. Shall you try to escape?
(Wait, do you even know california's map? ._.
San Francisco and LA are in opposite directions.)
I slowly attempt to wiggle out my hand.
The pain in the back of my head is unbearable, if I can carefully take off the restraint, I can quickly put it back on so my captivators won't know I'm free.
IF I can take the brace off,
- Check the back of my head for injury. Am I bleeding? The pain is incredible...
- Check my surroundings. The back of the van is extremely dark, but maybe if I search around I can find something.
My only option is to sit and wait. I can't jump out of this moving vehicle, all I'll do is injure myself further, and whoever these people are will obviously hear the back doors slam open. Maybe if I can find some sort of weapon lying around, I can surprise them once we make out stop.