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Alright, before all the spam starts getting posted about "PS3 SUXXXXX", DON'TIf you have a ps3 and DON'T think I'm a douch, add me!PS3: bunnykilla01I made this because I can never find someone to play with.
for(;;) procrastinate = !procrastinate;
before all the spam starts getting posted about "PS3 SUXXXXX", DON'T
eww ps3 >:3
Nidz ps3 vs xbox360 poll now
Enjoy playing all these different types of super awesome games.
Enjoying your no games?
ps3 runs on 5 year old, underclocked techlucky?my media pc from when i was 10 was better =.=
Do I need to repost what I did in my old thread?Console gaming is much more convenient as opposed to running a super 1337 PC.Stop whining about "Which is better" >_>