The point is. I never actually did anything. I seriously was going to but I stopped. Cause there was a lot of friends that I have come to know and appreciate. A community that did some amazing things. I never really knew why I wanted to leave. Partly because I was tired of zs "bad people" ( gotta stop myself, frank might be watching"
But seriously. I really dont want to do anything again. I just would like to hang out with you people again and do what this community is best at. Gaming.
And if you really hate my ass, most likely you dont play on zs. ( You wont see me!
? )
Trust me, I don't hate you. I had some good times with you long time ago.
I'm just not convinced you have actually changed, cause I don't know if that's realistically possible.
Clearly, you've changed your attitude since your blow up, but again, it wasn't so bad until those threats started coming around, and when confronted with something you don't like, I'm pretty certain it wouldn't take long for history to repeat itself.
These posts I'm making aren't to offend you either, I really don't hate you.
I just really don't think you should be back onto the servers. And forum.