.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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Ohai. Like what Jim said on that chat - I was pretty upset and put in my input about it. But it feels great (sarcasm) that it was not even given a single piece of shit like most of the things in my life.

Remember the times we played on that map called Big city I think? We had so much fun there didn't we? It was us and "You're awesome" that played together.
I remember lolling for hours .. I had recordings of us having so much fun. I minged you on purpose for my own amusement back when we played on that big city map. Yet you didn't even rage at all towards me - just simply told me to quit several times... I still know there's the guy I first met in there somewhere.

When you started going downhill, I asked myself what the fuck happened to you man? You were so awesome. Fun to play with and fun to be around with.

Second chances? Yes I do believe in second chances.. If you ask me personally I wouldn't like you to be unbanned from the servers free to play on just like that.
No. It's not that easy. It shouldn't be.

After you have disrespected everyone in this community - especially coolz, I wouldn't mind you slowly climbing the ladder to earn our respect back towards you. If you're really the way you say you are now - then prove it. How? Since you're banned from the servers?

You're unbanned from the forums right? Why don't you start there. I know it's not much.
But going through this thread, I see there's already several holes that makes me uneasy.
You say you didn't do what coolz has proof you did.
Then later on the thread you slowly start to admit it.

Bottom line is: I wouldn't like it if you were unbanned from the servers because the things you did. But I do believe in second chances so I'd like to see you on the forums, redeeming yourself - proving to the community you are what you say you are now at least with your thoughts - the way you post, because I know posting on the forums doesn't prove shit but it helps even a tiny ass bit. Then maybe the community will like you again enough to give you a chance back to play on the servers.


--- Quote from: Carp on March 28, 2011, 12:02:45 PM ---But I'm pretty sure that Krasher or hkill haven't been as persistent as Xexxar to be unbanned.

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If memory serves right Krasher made a thread and everything to say he was sorry. but all it got him was an ip ban from the forums instead.

Anyways i've played with you in the past when i use to play zs like 24/7 you seemed nice then you just became a complete troll

as to my opinion on you getting unbanned i don't think you should just get unbanned. I'll have to agree with what Devie said prove to us that you have changed

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Shawn on March 28, 2011, 02:23:32 PM ---If memory serves right Krasher made a thread and everything to say he was sorry. but all it got him was an ip ban from the forums instead.

Anyways i've played with you in the past when i use to play zs like 24/7 you seemed nice then you just became a complete troll

as to my opinion on you getting unbanned i don't think you should just get unbanned. I'll have to agree with what Devie said prove to us that you have changed

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He didn't ask for an unban, he just said he was sorry

And Ruben wouldn't be so stupid as to LET YOU HACK before he bans you


--- Quote from: » Magic « on March 28, 2011, 02:29:18 PM ---He didn't ask for an unban, he just said he was sorry

--- End quote ---

The point i was making was some peoples argument was "Unlike the others atleast hes trying to say sorry" and they used Krasher as a example so i was pointing out that Krasher did say he was sorry.


--- Quote from: » Magic « on March 28, 2011, 02:29:18 PM ---He didn't ask for an unban, he just said he was sorry

And Ruben wouldn't be so stupid as to LET YOU HACK before he bans you

--- End quote ---

Ruban and I used to be great friends. We shared hacking information and all that junk. He once let me use a program I developed to ddos wirebuild for a few seconds to see what the kids would say. Ruban actually did let me hack on zs before he permabanned me. He wanted to let me have some fun.


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