.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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» Magic «:
Who gives a flying fuck about the ZS server? This thread wasn't made JUST for the ZS server, it was made for the community to choose if they wanted him back IN ALL SERVERS, NOT JUST ZS


--- Quote from: » Magic « on March 28, 2011, 01:45:40 PM ---Who gives a flying fuck about the ZS server? This thread wasn't made JUST for the ZS server, it was made for the community to choose if they wanted him back IN ALL SERVERS, NOT JUST ZS

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Although I prolly will only play zs.

All I can say is that the few times I've seen Xexxar in-game, he was autoaim, speedhacking, and threatening people.

Then again, it's been six months and he could have changed.

I don't know him too well, so I am going to stay neutral and not get into this one.


--- Quote from: Jman on March 28, 2011, 01:55:26 PM ---All I can say is that the few times I've seen Xexxar in-game, he was autoaim, speedhacking, and threatening people.

Then again, it's been six months and he could have changed.

I don't know him too well, so I am going to stay neutral and not get into this one.

--- End quote ---

Come to think of it.

I told ruban just to perma me because I was tired of rnd. Too which people got real derpy and it made me want to go out with a bang.

I prolly did hack right before I got permabanned with permission from ruban. cause he let me i do believe.

Cake Faice:
Out of all the problems people have with xexxar and such, I never had a problem with him other than spamming everyone (including me) with his computer parts trying to make us jelly...

It would be nice if we could have some of our old members back...

But it appears in this thread...Xexxar said/done too many wrong things I guess.


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