Type in the seed: I own a horse
and go to these coordinates
X= -229
Y= 69
z= -212
Im still wondering how this happened.
Sorry, I cant give screenshot. I am using pengazed minecraft.
I believe this is what you're talking about?
At that pinpoint location is just a small hill at one end, and redwood trees, you can't see anything from that point.
Memo it turned out different for you because you probably used a lowercase "I" instead of uppercase.
Try the seed "New World".
I'm too lazy t take pics, but it's got loads o' giant mountains.
"Copyright Mojang":
EDIT 3: "LOADSO'MONEY" has lots of hills also, along with one giant one with loads o' caves in it.
EDIT 4: Try "Dylan'salmost7inches". loads o' awesome mountains, and the giant one near spawn has 9001 caves all through the entire thing.
Best part is at -36,67-229.