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Recommend which ATi 5000 series I should buy....[CLICK FOR MORE]

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yes Nm means how small the die is.
Basically less heat outputted and less power drawed.
Thoe it is more expensive to make a smaller die cause its more complicated to fit that many transistors in such a small place.

I wonder y Ati is still cheaper then Nvidia. Figures :P

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Peetah on September 04, 2010, 06:58:20 PM ---yes Nm means how small the die is.
Basically less heat outputted and less power drawed.
Thoe it is more expensive to make a smaller die cause its more complicated to fit that many transistors in such a small place.

I wonder y Ati is still cheaper then Nvidia. Figures :P

--- End quote ---

pwnn >:D

nvidea wastes its money on phys-x and 3dstereo

ya lol

I would wait the 6000 seres is gonna use less power too i heard?

GTX 480 performs better than 5870, no where near as close to 5970 though.  Wait for 6000 series and buy a 5000 series when the prices drop.

the 480 is just a monster 40nm power sucker.
Its not so hard to jam that many transistors into a 40nm possessor.
If it were to be slower then the 5870 that would be a disgrace to all graphics cards all around the world.


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