Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Recommend which ATi 5000 series I should buy....[CLICK FOR MORE]

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Forget all that crap, go for the Voodoo 5 6000

It haz 4 gpus, and its own external power-supply.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Xrain on September 13, 2010, 06:01:45 AM ---Forget all that crap, go for the Voodoo 5 6000

It haz 4 gpus, and its own external power-supply.

--- End quote ---

I remember VooDoo 3 or 2

Especially when I used to play rayman 2 on it ulululul

but that is win

Wtf is that mobo slot thoiugh o.O

Doesn't look PCIe, Front part of it is too big....


--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 13, 2010, 09:00:30 AM ---

Wtf is that mobo slot thoiugh o.O

Doesn't look PCIe, Front part of it is too big....

--- End quote ---

Lol seriously? That's AGP, you know, the thing that was standard for years before PCI-e even existed.

(AGP: AKA- Accelerated Graphics Port. It came out in 1997, and manufactures still make cards for that slot today, go check newegg, or scan or w/e you use.)

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Xrain on September 13, 2010, 06:46:38 PM ---Lol seriously? That's AGP, you know, the thing that was standard for years before PCI-e even existed.

(AGP: AKA- Accelerated Graphics Port. It came out in 1997, and manufactures still make cards for that slot today, go check newegg, or scan or w/e you use.)

--- End quote ---

I know what AGP is, That's not AGP o.O

This is the AGP I know of O_O


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