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Recommend which ATi 5000 series I should buy....[CLICK FOR MORE]

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A question, I am going to make my own computer so I need some questions from the pro.
What ATI 5000 series do you recommend or I should just wait for 6000 series.
Tell me now!

I wouldnt bother with 6000 series

each card generation has vast improvgements than the precedent you shud get the one at the top of each generation eg: 5570, 5770, 5870, 5970

5870 and 5970 need good pcs to run properly

the 5770 is pretty gud but is still far behind the 5870

5570 is very gud for low end pcs.

I say wait for the 6000 series (I think there will be a big improvement) but you decide.

5830. You really need to tell us how much you will spend.

Unless your furnature is made of money, and only if its made of $20s or higher, buy the 5770. If you get anything better you will pay a premium (more than + $100) for smaller than a 10-20% increase in performance. If you decide you need more later, just hook up another card for crossfire.


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