Situations:Somebody is RDMing/propkilling in TTT (4+ RDMs, non-karmable propkill, traitor teamkilling)
1. Wait for them to have 10 karma2. Kill them for the next 3 rounds and not lose karma
3. If they keep doing it after that, kick them
4. If they come back and do it again, ban and report
Somebody is aimbotting/speedhacking1. Get their SteamID
2. Take a demo/screenshots
3. Ban
4. Report on forums
Somebody is holding up the round in TTT/deathrun/fretta/any other round-based gamemode1. If they're doing it intentionally, a kick is the only option. If they come back, I'll try explaining to them that holding up rounds is against the rules.
Somebody is using a name changer1. Enter "status" in console 2 or 3 times, find the two names with matching SteamIDs
2. Tell an admin the steamID
3. If no admins are on, report on forums
Somebody is map glitching in TTT/flood1. Ask them to stop
2. Tell them that if they don't stop they'll be kicked
3. If they don't stop, kick them (derp)
Somebody is propkilling/spamming/general faggotry in build1. Tell them that I'm going to kick them if they don't stop
2. If they don't stop, kick them
Someone is micspamming1. Mute them
2. Tell everyone else to do so
3. ??
Somebody is being a general asshole/trolling other players/incessant racism1. Tell them to stop being an asshole
2. When they don't stop, kick them
Somebody is prop pushing in onslaught/flood/wirebuild/plainbuild1. Tell them to stop.
2. If they don't stop, ki-- you know what, i cant do this anymore. you all know what im going to say.
Contributions to RND:I made everyone sexy signature barsIf I have time, I'll start mapping again.
And... I know this sounds funny, but I made coolz' avatar. I was working on his signature bar, and sent him the base image that I worked with. .__.
Games I have on Steam:- Garry's Mod
- Audiosurf
- Garry's Mod
- Portal
- Supreme Commander 2
- Sword of the Stars (google it fgt)
- All Orange Box games
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Red Orchestra: Ostrfront 41-45 (Logitech promo)
Where to contact me:Facebook @ me at
gamefreak171@gmail.comI sign into every so often, you can contact me there as well.
Active friends in RND:PryviseeDoeniDonSabbathFreakSebJmanPeetahBuddhaDeathWardShit I want to say that doesn't have a category:- I no longer micspam. I uninstalled HLDJ and deleted all my sounds.
- I no longer go on non-karmable propkill sprees
- If there's any reason you think I shouldn't be VIP that you aren't sure of, you can just ask me.