Hello, this is my app for V.I.P.:
steam_id: # 46 ".:RND`=- {RM} StartedBullet" STEAM_0:1:24711410 01:38 227 0 active
Birthday: 3/18/1996
Gender:Male, straight
Location:Lawton, Oklahoma.
Interests:Videogames/Videogame Modeling(/mapping etc.)/Girls/Archery/Fishing/Classic Rock
Steam Games:CSS
Fallout 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Star wars: Knights of the old republic
Star Trek online
Quake 1/2/3
HL2: deathmatch
HL2: episode 1
Warhammer: Dawn of War 2
Serious Sam HD: The first Encounter
Bioshock 2
Farcry 2
Experience with RND:I have been a member for a long time now, I believe around 1yr-2yrs. I have lost "Respected" once for an over-zealous votebanning of a Detective Rdmer/ban evader. I got it back after. And, ashamedly, I lost it one time before that becuase of my in-experience with the rules/procedure. I kicked an innocent guy mistakenly. Hasn't happenned since, and WILL NOT happen again. I have tried my best to be a mature and responsible player and to keep RnD's reputation up high. I have also created multiple maps for the community. I try to mediate arguments. I also play on nearly all of your servers. (Wire)Build/TTT/ZS/Sledbuild/Fretta.
Reason for wanting V.I.P.:I want V.I.P. to simply keep peace in the servers when nobody is there to do it. I will not lie, I also want V.I.P. to keep racism off our servers. Everyday one or more racists are on our servers. I will give them a chance to cut the crap before I kick them. Games are for fun, not for hatred.
Possible situations:As (Moolz I believe) once said, no two situations are the same and you cannot always go by the book. I like this and will include it. However here are some situations anyways.
1. Obtain proof
2. Ban
3.Report on forums with steam_id/description of the event.
Mass rdm'er (TTT):
1. Warn
2. Obtain proof
3. Explain the rules
4. Kick
5. Possibly report on the forums ( depending on the severity/repitition )
1.Warn them they will get kicked if they continue
2.Kick them if they continue
3.Ban if they repeat this again later. It IS against the rules, and RND is suppossed to be fun servers for EVERYBODY.
Mic Spam:
1. Just tell people to mute them.
Of course there are MANY more situations, but I think this shall be satisfactory.
Why I think I should have it: 
I really just want this to keep the servers a clean and enjoyable place for anyone who wishes it. I do not want this so I can be like " Respect meh bitch! I'm a VIP!", although, of course, I have not met a single VIP/ADMIN/REG who has ever done that kind of thing. I try to report and play with a level head and will NOT abuse my powers. This is my V.I.P. app, and while I hope I get it, I will not rage or anything if it is denied.