Limit each user to a single +1 every 10 minutes would help prevent boosting.
Its not about the extremely high respect from boosting. It was that the person unnecessarily +1'd a post.
The whole point of my long post was to point out that its not the boosting/trolling but how the respect system is still used incorrectly.
The entire idea of a respect system is to see how helpful/trollish people are, people in this community have shown not everyone can handle the responsibility of dictating how a post is helpful/not. People should only +1 when a post is helpful, NOT funny/humorous/cool, and only -1 when the post is trolling/spammed/similar.
I've seen people +1 just because they agree on a subject, that isn't what its for. Moderators should be the only people able to +1/-1 mainly because they have proven themselves to be mature enough to handle the job of moderating a forum. The community however has +1'd for silly reasons that the +1 wasn't meant for. I can be sure
most people with respect above 100 weren't that helpful to deserve it. I can also be sure people who weren't trolled but still have respect below -50 probably didn't do that much spamming/insulting to deserve it.
Ill use your post of the +1 only system as an example. At the time of writing its +4, however I see nothing helpful about your post, you were simply stating your opinion/idea and since 4 people agreed they +1'd.
The point is the community as a whole has shown they can't use the respect system correctly, now its the moderators turn.