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Support (Read Only) => Suggestions => Topic started by: ursus on February 06, 2011, 08:54:27 AM
All people do is troll with it. Doesn't really serve much purpose except to make Don feel special.
Even though Don is an cool guy, I lol'd.
I'm okay with it, though. The system on the old forum was pretty good, though. Maybe mix the two? We vote on posts and the -x/+y shows up?
I don't really care.
I was top respected on old forum and am now. :trollface:
I'd much rather see the karma system back than the respect system though, apart from very few cases, all people do with it is maximum overtroll.
I don't really care.
I was top respected on old forum and am now. :trollface:
I'd much rather see the karma system back than the respect system though, apart from very few cases, all people do with it is maximum overtroll.
Was pretty easy to troll with karma system too.
I remember some guy raged and took mine and Banana Hat's respect to -80.
Was pretty easy to troll with karma system too.
I remember some guy raged and took mine and Banana Hat's respect to -80.
Yes, but it still was much harder to troll with it.
And once it was down, you couldn't really boost it up anymore, which was cool.
I don't really care.
I was top respected on old forum and am now. :trollface:
I'd much rather see the karma system back than the respect system though, apart from very few cases, all people do with it is maximum overtroll.
>Someone please cheer me
I think the old way was more serious since you can see how many smites.
Just more serious.
Yea remove it please, It's basically like diamonds. You don't need it, but it makes you feel superior. When you lose some you get mad. Srsly, remove. Kthx
Yea remove it please, It's basically like diamonds. You don't need it, but it makes you feel superior. When you lose some you get mad. Srsly, remove. Kthx
Until you realize one of the following:
A) This is the internet. It is structured by trolls and idiots.
B) Other people's opinions on you don't matter much, considering the majority of type of people on the internet.
C) It really isn't a product of your "popularity", or "coolness".
D) Don is, and will always be, your superior.
Case closed.
I'm with this
I am to. All the rating systems like the old karma are shit on forums.. :-[
Why don't we just allow +1'ns?
I mean, a lot of other forums have where you can 'thank' someone for making a useful post. I don't see how anyone would troll with just +1'ing.
Why don't we just allow +1'ns?
I mean, a lot of other forums have where you can 'thank' someone for making a useful post. I don't see how anyone would troll with just +1'ing.
Frickin brilliant! :thumbsup:
I really don't understand why we even have a respect system, it will never truly reflect what type of person you are/acting like. Other trolls could +1 other trolls and really the respect system has absolutely no point unless everyone in the community is mature enough to not rage and only +1/-1 other people when they deserve it.
The respect system has no purpose and really wont make any difference whether or not it stays. The current respect system cannot be relied on due to the people who troll by -1'ing and people who +1 each other for no reason. Even with the only +1 system your only solving half the problem, people will still show how unreliable the system is by +1'ing unnecessarily.
Really the root of the problem is trolls, and ignorant people who +1/-1 without reason, however you cannot rid the internet/community of trolls and idiots. I think the +1/-1'ing should be left to moderators only.
The entire idea of a respect system is to see how helpful/trollish people are, people in this community have shown not everyone can handle the responsibility of dictating how a post is helpful/not. People should only +1 when a post is helpful, NOT funny/humorous/cool, and only -1 when the post is trolling/spammed/similar.
tl;dr: you better have fucking read this, its about you.
tl;dr: you better have fucking read this, its about you.
Limit each user to a single +1 every 10 minutes would help prevent boosting.
I really don't understand why we even have a respect system, it will never truly reflect what type of person you are/acting like. Other trolls could +1 other trolls and really the respect system has absolutely no point unless everyone in the community is mature enough to not rage and only +1/-1 other people when they deserve it.
The respect system has no purpose and really wont make any difference whether or not it stays. The current respect system cannot be relied on due to the people who troll by -1'ing and people who +1 each other for no reason. Even with the only +1 system your only solving half the problem, people will still show how unreliable the system is by +1'ing unnecessarily.
Really the root of the problem is trolls, and ignorant people who +1/-1 without reason, however you cannot rid the internet/community of trolls and idiots. I think the +1/-1'ing should be left to moderators only.
The entire idea of a respect system is to see how helpful/trollish people are, people in this community have shown not everyone can handle the responsibility of dictating how a post is helpful/not. People should only +1 when a post is helpful, NOT funny/humorous/cool, and only -1 when the post is trolling/spammed/similar.
tl;dr: you better have fucking read this, its about you.
I agree, i think only Admin's/Moderator's should be given the privilege to +1/-1 under the circumstances. They became an admin/moderator for a reason, so they should be mature enough not to boost/troll people with this ''privilege''
Limit each user to a single +1 every 10 minutes would help prevent boosting.
Its not about the extremely high respect from boosting. It was that the person unnecessarily +1'd a post.
The whole point of my long post was to point out that its not the boosting/trolling but how the respect system is still used incorrectly.
The entire idea of a respect system is to see how helpful/trollish people are, people in this community have shown not everyone can handle the responsibility of dictating how a post is helpful/not. People should only +1 when a post is helpful, NOT funny/humorous/cool, and only -1 when the post is trolling/spammed/similar.
I've seen people +1 just because they agree on a subject, that isn't what its for. Moderators should be the only people able to +1/-1 mainly because they have proven themselves to be mature enough to handle the job of moderating a forum. The community however has +1'd for silly reasons that the +1 wasn't meant for. I can be sure most people with respect above 100 weren't that helpful to deserve it. I can also be sure people who weren't trolled but still have respect below -50 probably didn't do that much spamming/insulting to deserve it.
Ill use your post of the +1 only system as an example. At the time of writing its +4, however I see nothing helpful about your post, you were simply stating your opinion/idea and since 4 people agreed they +1'd.
The point is the community as a whole has shown they can't use the respect system correctly, now its the moderators turn.
Its not about the extremely high respect from boosting. It was that the person unnecessarily +1'd a post.
The whole point of my long post was to point out that its not the boosting/trolling but how the respect system is still used incorrectly.
I've seen people +1 just because they agree on a subject, that isn't what its for. Moderators should be the only people able to +1/-1 mainly because they have proven themselves to be mature enough to handle the job of moderating a forum. The community however has +1'd for silly reasons that the +1 wasn't meant for. I can be sure most people with respect above 100 weren't that helpful to deserve it. I can also be sure people who weren't trolled but still have respect below -50 probably didn't do that much spamming/insulting to deserve it.
Ill use your post of the +1 only system as an example. At the time of writing its +4, however I see nothing helpful about your post, you were simply stating your opinion/idea and since 4 people agreed they +1'd.
The point is the community as a whole has shown they can't use the respect system correctly, now its the moderators turn.
I don't know about everyone else, but I earned my respect. I don't really +1 or -1 people unless I strongly disagree, or it was just a generally stupid or useless post.
I don't know about everyone else, but I earned my respect. I don't really +1 or -1 people unless I strongly disagree, or it was just a generally stupid or useless post.
Top 10 Post Voters
Death M.D.
Bro my ratings are totally legit, don't hate son.
I can be sure most people with respect above 100 weren't that helpful to deserve it.
can you people read. i even italicized so that people DON'T go and argue "i earned my respect"
I don't know about everyone else, but I earned my respect. I don't really +1 or -1 people unless I strongly disagree, or it was just a generally stupid or useless post.
that is what im talking about. the respect system isn't about whether you disagree/agree its how helpful someone is to the community. and -1'ing for a stupid or useless post isn't correct either. if its generally harmful/insulting another member/spam, etc. then yes -1. but its by no means an opinion.
oh another example, frank -1'd thecat100's post even though there was nothing harmful/spammy about it.
Then mabe put a limit on how many votes you can give in a day?
Then mabe put a limit on how many votes you can give in a day?
death said that earlier, like i said in an earlier post:
Its not about the extremely high respect from boosting. It was that the person unnecessarily +1'd a post.
The whole point of my long post was to point out that its not the boosting/trolling but how the respect system is still used incorrectly.
people use the system incorrectly, and the community as a whole pretty much invalidated any meaning the respect system had in the first place.
the +1 again should be used for helpful posts.
can you people read. i even italicized so that people DON'T go and argue "i earned my respect"
that is what im talking about. the respect system isn't about whether you disagree/agree its how helpful someone is to the community. and -1'ing for a stupid or useless post isn't correct either. if its generally harmful/insulting another member/spam, etc. then yes -1. but its by no means an opinion.
oh another example, frank -1'd thecat100's post even though there was nothing harmful/spammy about it.
He's got something harmful, his fucking writing. And I'd also -1 many other posts. They make me want to take my eyes off with a fucking tea spoon.
I was about to say that you're all fucking retards, then I realized that I started this thread .__.
I was about to say that you're all fucking retards, then I realized that I started this thread .__.
What goes around, comes around.
You're all fucking retards.
There you go, AZNfreak.
I just don't use the respect system...
You're all fucking retards.
There you go, AZNfreak.
You are all a fucking retard.
He's got something harmful, his fucking writing. And I'd also -1 many other posts. They make me want to take my eyes off with a fucking tea spoon.
P-S srry for bad spelling, im more of a french then english.
I'm more Spanish than English, but do u c me typ liek dis?
P.S.: Why am I not surprised about the -1ers?
Sweet Jesus.
I'm gone for three hours and this thread goes to fucking hell. This is a prime example of the community's immaturity, if there isn't one reasonable person posting constantly to keep a thread inline, someone goes and flames....
This is a prime example of the community's immaturity
Then leave.
On a more on topic note, is coolzeldad working on this yet?
don't think so
Then leave.
I never hinted anything toward leaving. I just believe if people in the community had any dignity they'd at least be ashamed of themselves. Also leaving a community doesn't solve the problem, the problem is the community, not me.... That and the community is great, it just needs some self control.
Oh and if anyone takes this offensively, I will end you.
I never hinted anything toward leaving. I just believe if people in the community had any dignity they'd at least be ashamed of themselves. Also leaving a community doesn't solve the problem, the problem is the community, not me.... That and the community is great, it just needs some self control.
Oh and if anyone takes this offensively, I will end you.
Just ignore them.
'Bout half the community is like this.
Sweet Jesus.
I'm gone for three hours and this thread goes to fucking hell. This is a prime example of the community's immaturity, if there isn't one reasonable person posting constantly to keep a thread inline, someone goes and flames....
Then go ahead and try to fix it.
Then go ahead and try to fix it.
Then go ahead and try to fix it.
You can't fix people, you change them. I can't change whoever isn't willing to change.
You can't fix people, you change them. I can't change whoever isn't willing to change.
Go tell that to the Egyptians.
Go tell the to the Egyptians.
Anyways, Welcome to Internet!
You don't want a post voting system because it is being used to troll.
I don't see that as a reason to remove the voting system, it's being used legitimately as well.
Anyways, Welcome to Internet!
Save it for lulz.
Oh god.
I was loling at Franks posts..
+1 the system is useless if you cant trade something and you cant trade scores or something like that here and if you do something bad youll be temp banned and karma - but what the karma really says so REMOVE IT
omFG nID ramovez da untirez furm Systumz kthxabi
omFG nID ramovez da untirez furm Systumz kthxabi
del /f system32
+1 the system is useless if you cant trade something and you cant trade scores or something like that here and if you do something bad youll be temp banned and karma - but what the karma really says so REMOVE IT
ya omg like srsly i tink dat more respect SHOUDL get u SUOPAR ADMINZ FOREVAR AND BANZ COOLZ HURRRRRRRRRRRRRR
In all seriousness, is this going to f**king happen or what?
I don't see that as a reason to remove the voting system, it's being used legitimately as well.
dude, don't you read anything other than the post above yours.....
dude, don't you read anything other than the post above yours.....
Don't you show some goddamned respect once in awhile?
I don't always goddamn, but when I goddamn, I goddamn.
I don't always goddamn, but when I goddamn, I goddamn.
dude, don't you read anything other than the post above yours.....
He mad bro
He mad bro
i lol'd at he mad cuz he mad at coolz and coolz is leik mad?
i lol'd at he mad cuz he mad at coolz and coolz is leik mad?
i not mad at coolz.