Player's name:Tech
My in-game name:Unicron
Server name:Wirebuild
Event(s):To start out, me and a guest named "john" are building mouse-aimed GDC turrets for the past 30 minutes or so. Tech is working in the far corner of the map.
I'm using a machine gun/facer turret, and I see tech in the far corner.
To my knowledge, PP keeps GDC/PewPew from damaging other player's props.
I shoot at him only once with the machine gun, to see if I can hit him from across the map.
The round hits his contraption, and breaks some wood on the front.
As soon as this happens, Tech goes completely and utterly insane. Right away, he "declares war" and spams GDC mortars for a solid 3-5 minutes (During which none of us can even move, look around, or get over 1 FPS).
After we can all move again, he drops to the maturity level of a 13-year old and starts arguing with us, asking why I ever shot in the first place and tries to completely dodge the question of why he spammed the server at the drop of a hat.
EDIT: To clarify: Tech was noclipped in the air. I shot specifically AT HIM, and only once. I missed and hit his contraption that was in the air near him. At no point did I fire at him with the intent of destroying his work.
Once again, let me reiterate myself:
The standing fact is, I broke something of his by accident and he completely flipped out. A VIP on the servers shouldn't be so quick to anger (Or spam in the manner that he did).
Think of it this way: if a guest came in and spammed GDC like that, they would get banned for a very, VERY long time. Having a higher rank doesn't exempt you from obeying the server rules.
Reason for ban: -- Extreme immaturity, not being able to handle the smallest accident
-- Condescending and disrespectful attitude
-- Complete disregard for rules, spamming the server and intentionally lagging other players
The GDC weapons he was spamming (Extremely large particle effects, graphics lag)

The conversation before and after the spam (In sequential order)

The contraption he was building