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http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=pryvisee&Submit=Yes, all those are mine, except the top one :'(. Anywas kinda have fun with the reason's as you can tell, lulululullulu.And Moo said I don't put it to a good use.48 Kicks. 6 Bans.
http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&page=2&searchText=jman283 Bans. Thanks.
Promoted 11 people before me. Thanks. <3
uhhhhhh Admin for life and i have all of like lowest ban score ever. I resolve through asplode and rockithttp://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=orgazmo&Submit=
".:RND`=- jman15234 | KBz Votebanned 'Tiny' - normal: racism repeatedly after kick" ".:RND`=- jman | KBz Votebanned 'Rocket50' - normal: I regret nothing. You are gay."".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'PinchyMistsz' - normal: mothafucka minge get banz"".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'SabbathFreak9=RHS=(MA)' - normal: Son, I am dissapoint."Kill_N-Dark Votekicked '[DAF] jman15234' - normal: porn sprys.[DAF] jman15234 Votekicked 'Kill_N-Dark' - normal: abusing respectedLOL'D
".:RND`=- jman | KBz Votebanned 'Rocket50' - normal: I regret nothing. You are gay."
Kill_N-Dark Votekicked '[DAF] jman15234' - normal: porn sprys.[DAF] jman15234 Votekicked 'Kill_N-Dark' - normal: abusing respectedLOL'D
"I regret nothing. You are gay."What the shit? Seriously, jman? Seriously?