I'm not going all out on color since it's the quality of the person that counts. lul
Anyways, here's why I was demoted.
Map name: clue
I asked Moo and Teeny to kick afk's or something because there was no slot. They simply said there was no one afk.
Map changes to TTT_temple. and a slot opens up
I join and play 2 rounds. First my mouse was being stupid and wanted to switch it. That switch went on for about a round. Then after that my mom is then yelling at me to take out the trash. She was drinking at the moment and want's things done right then and there or she goes off the hook and takes shit away. So I go take out the trash. 5 mins later from when I wasn't afk, I sit down and started flying around in spectate mode. About 10 secs later, I get banned reason: a. That means you have been demoted.
Chat to Moo:
2:31 PM - §§™ Pryvisee: anybody afk in TTT
2:31 PM - §§™ Pryvisee: nid join
2:31 PM - §§™ Pryvisee: :]
2:31 PM - §§™ Pryvisee: lul
2:31 PM - Moo: nop
2:33 PM - §§™ Pryvisee: dam
Then in-game chat after I was demoted.
2:56 PM - Sabrina: [ADMIN] Moo: joined a slot to take place to afk
[ADMIN] Moo: not neccesary
[ADMIN] Moo: asked me to kick an afk for him to join so he can afk
[ADMIN] Moo: thats fking stupid
[ADMIN] Moo: hes ac omplete moron for doing that
I have not abused since I was approved for VIP. If you have met me, you know I'm a awesome person

Thanks for reading.